lauantai 1. maaliskuuta 2025

Microwaves are tools for the new recycling methods.


"This is an artistic representation of the depolymerization of aramid fibers. Credit: Dr. Dina Maniar, University of Groningen, edited." (ScitechDaily, Microwaves Unlock a Faster, Cleaner Way to Recycle Bulletproof Kevlar)

New materials require new recycling methods. Some of those methods can be suitable for weapon applications. 

Microwaves break the carbon chains in polymers. And that makes them dangerous. There are tested microwaves to destroy oil in oil damages. The microwave cuts the polymer structures. And the same systems can destroy diesel and petroleum in their storage. Things like graphene are ultimate materials but only if they can conduct energy out from them. If the energy transmitter surrounds the graphene structure and starts to send energy into its outer edge that thing causes a situation in which energy starts to travel in the middle of the graphene structure. 

In this case, the system creates a standing wave in the middle of the graphene structure. The energy level in the outer edge is higher than in the middle of the graphene, which denies the graphene's ability to remove energy from the structure. The problem with recycling is this: recycling means breaking the materials. 

Microwaves can destroy Kevlar and other carbon-based chemical structures. 

The new way to recycle bulletproof Kevlar can also give the possibility of breaking the Kevlar armor. In those systems, the microwave cuts the kevlar structure. There are tested microwaves on the battlefield whose purpose is to jam drone swarms. The same systems can destroy kevlar armor and other plastic structures like composite magazines and plastic structures in weapons. Kevlar is also structured in the super-hard ropes used to keep offshore oil platforms in their position. 

The microwave also heats metals. That means microwaves can detonate ammunition in boxes. It can affect large-scale entireties like drone swarms. The big drones are good targets for lasers and machine guns. However, the drone swarms of small-size drones require systems that can affect the entire swarm at one time. 

Kevlar is used in bulletproof vests and lightweight armor in light vehicles. The ability to break kevlar opens the route to the ammunition. And that is a big threat to the law enforcement and military operators. Kevlar is also part of the structural composite armor metal. Kevlar plates are layer over layer. The kevlar structure keeps different metals away from each other. In those structures, the harder and softer layers follow each other. 

The purpose of the softer structure is to pull impact energy and the harder structure breaks the ammunition.  And that makes composite armor more effective than traditional armor. The microwave system that impacts microwaves to the kevlar structures breaks the polymeric chains in that strong material. The microwaves can break the bulletproof vests and other armor. 

There are used polymer carbon chains. And that makes microwave systems effective tools. Also for boosting ammunition power. There are tested microwave systems whose mission is to jam the tank's counter-missile system detonate its reactive armor off the ammunition's road and heat the metal armor that offers the warhead a better way to penetrate the armor.

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