The AI and creativity.


The AI can make programming more effective than ever before. However, the quality of the code can decrease. In the same way, AI can make inflation into computer art. 

Maybe AI will not destroy the world. But it will change it forever. Things like creativity are now possible without a long time and drawing skills. And that makes the AI a fundamental tool for publishers. The images below this part of the text are AI-created. The creation of those images took about 30 minutes. And that thing tells how easy is to use the AI. That is a fantastic and sad thing. The creation of nice images doesn't require any kind of drawing skills. 

The user must only describe those images to the AI and then it creates those images. AI is a tool that can kill real creativity. 

I think that the images that Bing created are examples of how people will start to make things using AI. The AI is effective. Business life respects effective people. Even if we think. That AI will not advance anymore. Or advancing is slower than calculated. The ability to create things like texts and other things like images are things that keep the AI an interesting tool. 

AI is one of the most successful things in the history of the Internet. It's abilities and solutions that people can create with it are expanding. Developers innovate many new things using AI. The AI is the tool that makes coding effective. 

When we think about computer programs in the 1980s. Things, like the Commodore 64 ran good-looking, pretentious software, and modern computers that ran very sophisticated programs. Sometimes I thought about what modern computers can do if their programs are written with the same accuracy as Commodore-64's programs. 

We must say that. In the time of the Commodore 64, or C-64, developers made thicker code. The code was effective, because of the limits of the systems. But today large mass memories and network-based systems make it possible for modern coders to leave things like "killed lines" or "empty code" in the programs. In the time of C-64, the code was made using effective programming languages. 

Today programming languages make so-called bad or empty marks in the program. The programming languages are versatile. But that makes them a little bit complicated. Semi-automatic encoding systems create less effective code.  In the 1980's. Programmers were some kind of engineers. They were trained for years. Today the programmers are trained 9 months or even less. They use prepared libraries. And that means coding faced inflation. 

The AI is the tool that can make the code following descriptions that the user writes into it. The thing is that those AI's or large language models, LLMs are the tools that make the coding more effective than ever before. The thing is that. The AI will not make complete or perfect code. It makes code effective way, and effectiveness is the word for the day. Modern computers are things that have powerful memories and processors. They can handle less effective code than C-64. 

The trend has been this. The code and how effective it is doesn't matter. The number of accepted lines is the thing that means something.  This means that things like timetables. And requirements for creating very much code in a short time and other things. Like acceptance percent force people to use AI to create code for new programs. 
