perjantai 28. helmikuuta 2025

The new 2D carbon structure is 8 times stronger than graphene.

"Monolayer amorphous carbon is a game-changing material that combines strength with toughness, solving a key problem in 2D materials like graphene. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, A New Carbon Super-Material Is 8x Tougher Than Graphene)

The new 2D materials are tougher than graphene. Graphene is the allotropic form of carbon. The single-atom layer makes that structure stronger. And the reason why 2D monoatomic structures are harder than regular materials is simple. When something impacts the graphene. That monoatomic structure transfers energy to a larger area. The single-atom layer transfers energy out from the structure immediately. And there is nothing that can form a standing wave in the structure. 

The new material called monolayer amorphous carbon, MAC is the thing that makes the 2D monoatomic structure tougher than graphene. The structure involves things that allow the carbon to be elastic. Or flex. And that makes the structure tougher or gives it the ability to flex. The problem with regular graphene is that the structure will not flex at all. Researchers crack the code to twist and stack 2D materials. 

"The regular octahedron and its dual polyhedron, the cube." (Wikipedia, Octahedron)

That thing opens the path to new types of solutions in mechanics and other things like electronics. The graphene layers lose their abilities when they connect. The 2D materials have their fundamental abilities only when they are in 2D structures. If those 2D structures are connected, that means their carbon structures lose their abilities. 

But if those things can remain separated that gives the new types of armor and extremely strong materials possible. The 2D carbon structures that are separated by octahedron carbon pillars can make that kind of material stronger than fullerene pillars. The octahedron pillars are their heads against each other can transport the energy straight through the graphene layers. The problem with nanotube pillars is that they form standing waves in their structure. The octahedron nanocrystals will not make that thing. In those nanocrystals are six atoms which makes them extremely small and able to transport energy straight through those layers. 

"A scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) study of moiré superlattice formation on a twisted bilayer covalent organic framework (COF). Credit: National University of Singapore" (ScitechDaily, Scientists Just Cracked the Code for Twisting and Stacking 2D Materials)

"STM images of (a) untwisted bilayer COF assembled from 2,7 PDBA; (b) twisted bilayer COF showing moiré superlattices, assembled from 1,6 PDBA. Credit: National University of Singapore" (ScitechDaily, Scientists Just Cracked the Code for Twisting and Stacking 2D Materials)

But making those things requires a system that can see how the graphene interacts in the reaction chamber. 

Imaging the Dynamic Assembly of Bilayer COFs

"Chemists from the National University of Singapore (NUS) have successfully captured real-time images of bilayer covalent organic frameworks (COFs) forming in solution. This breakthrough sheds new light on how these layers stack and how moiré superlattices emerge. " (ScitechDaily, Scientists Just Cracked the Code for Twisting and Stacking 2D Materials)

Moiré superlattices are part of the growing field of “twistronics,” where rotating one atomic layer relative to another can create new electronic properties. In this state, electrons no longer behave as independent particles but instead strongly interact with each other, potentially leading to unique forms of superconductivity or magnetism." (ScitechDaily, Scientists Just Cracked the Code for Twisting and Stacking 2D Materials)

"While moiré superlattices have been observed in inorganic materials, they are far rarer in purely organic crystals. This is because moiré patterns require materials that are both ultrathin and highly crystalline — properties that are difficult to achieve in organic materials using conventional imaging techniques." (ScitechDaily, Scientists Just Cracked the Code for Twisting and Stacking 2D Materials)

The most powerful solar-electric spacecraft is coming.

"An artist’s rendering of Gateway with the Power and Propulsion Element’s advanced thrusters propelling the lunar space station to the Moon. Credit: NASA/Alberto Bertolin" (ScitechDaily, NASA Builds the Most Powerful Solar Electric Spacecraft Ever)

Solar electric spacecraft are systems that can offer a clean and probably safe way to travel inside the asteroid belt. In the simplest possible systems, the solar power rockets use parabolic mirrors or lenses to vaporize and expand the propellant. Those rockets cannot operate in the atmosphere. In the more advanced system, solar power rockets use electricity from solar panels to give electricity to electrochemical- or ion engines. 

In electrochemical rockets, the system can use electricity or radiation like lasers or microwaves to give thrust. In electric jet engines, the electricity expands the air or some other gas. The electrochemical rockets are similar systems to the electric jet engines. 

But the front side of those systems is closed. The flap that closes the electric jet engine nose denies the exhaust gas flow forward. The problem with electrochemical rockets is their electric source. 

Nuclear power or solar power can be the tool that makes this kind of system real. The rocket itself can expand any gas like nitrogen or liquid nitrogen. The problem is that this kind of system requires very long wings. That it can make enough thrust.

The ion sail 

The ion sail aims ions into the solar sail. 

The ion system can aim ions at the solar sail. When an ion cannon sends ions to the solar sail, it can pull the craft with higher thrust than in cases, where the system aims ions backward. 

The ion engines use ions or anions to accelerate the spacecraft. Unlike those electric chemical engines, their thrust is very low. But there is the possibility to make the ion engine with higher thrust. That kind of ion system can blow ions to the solar sail. And that makes it possible to travel through the solar system. 

The solar electric spacecraft uses solar power to give electricity to its engines. The engine itself can use things like hydrogen or any other gas as a propellant. The system can expand and vaporize that propellant using electric arcs, lasers, or microwave systems.  

Solar electric spacecraft don't necessarily use ion engines. But solar power can also give electricity to particle accelerators. They can act as ion engines. Or those systems can create antimatter, like positrons that the system injects into propellant. 

That thing can give a very big punch to the propellant. That kind of solar electric system opens a path to the inner solar system. They can also act as the accelerator stages for nuclear rockets that travel to the outer solar system. 

The system can use solar power to accelerate the craft to the asteroid belt. And behind that it can separate the nuclear-powered stage and start to use nuclear power. The solar-power spacecraft can operate in space between Earth and Mars and the inner solar system.

torstai 27. helmikuuta 2025

How can rogue planets form?

"A groundbreaking study suggests rogue planets form in a dramatic way — through violent disk collisions in young star clusters, not failed star formation. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Scientists Just Discovered a Violent New Way Rogue Planets Are Made)

The rogue planets can form when two forming planets' planetary disks impact together. When those material disks impact each other, and they rotate opposite sides that can form the material whirl that travels out from the star's gravity field. In that case, impacting material whirls act like catapults and throw those planets into interstellar space. Those planets can someday travel to another solar system and cause chaotic situations like impacts. 

Another thing that can form rogue planets is supernova or nova eruptions. The post-stellar planets that form in nova and supernova debris can also turn rogue planets. When neutron stars or white dwarfs pull some other planet to them, that detonation can throw other planets away from that star remnant orbital. 

The ultimate fast winds and very hot conditions in exoplanets' atmosphere can cause a situation in there is an explosion in the planet's atmosphere. If there is some eruption or asteroid impact that kind of situation can throw lots of atmosphere from around the planet. That thing can cause a very powerful punch to the planet or its moon. 

If that object travels to its star at a certain angle or goes a little bit past the star, gravity can push it into a half-elliptical trajectory. The light and small moon maybe the size of Earth's Moon or Saturn's Enceladus can travel out of the solar system and then start to collect material on it. 

"Illustration of LTT 9779 b, the only known ultra-hot Neptune. This planet orbits so close to its star that its atmosphere is scorching hot, glowing from its own heat while also reflecting starlight. Because it is tidally locked — always showing the same side to its star — one half is permanently in daylight while the other remains in darkness. New JWST observations with NIRISS reveal a dynamic atmosphere: powerful winds sweep around the planet, shaping mineral clouds as they condense into a bright, white arc on the slightly cooler western side of the dayside. As these clouds move eastward, they evaporate under the intense heat, leaving the eastern dayside with clear skies. Credit: Benoit Gougeon, Université de Montréal" (ScitechDaily, A 2,000°C Inferno That Still Shimmers: An Ultra-Hot Neptune’s Mystery)

There is the possibility that some other planet pushes exoplanets away from their trajectory to their star. And then the explosion in the star causes a situation in the atmosphere and seas on that planet to boil or explode. And that effect can push small planets to interstellar space. The strong winds on the planet can also make an eruption that can push the planet away from its trajectory. That kind of situation can happen when an icy planet suddenly starts to travel to its own star. 

Suddenly vaporizing hydrocarbon or maybe helium and hydrogen ice can push the atmosphere away and cause the rocket effect. It's possible. The remarkable mass of the planet is frozen gas. And that vaporization can decrease its size and mass remarkably. 

Also in that kind of case the star's own gravity can act as a gravity sling that pushes the planet away from its trajectory and accelerates it into interstellar space. 

The planet can also form when some asteroid travels in the middle of the cosmic molecular nebula. That gravity center can pull material around it, and form even a large-size planet. That kind of thing can cause the form of icy super Jupiter that travels in interstellar space.

The risk of asteroid impact is near zero. But it exists.

"Asteroid 2024 YR4 no longer poses a real threat to Earth, though it still has a slim chance of hitting the Moon in 2032. NASA is using the event to refine its planetary defense strategies and gather more data with advanced telescopes. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Asteroid Alert: NASA Drops Impact Risk to Near Zero, But There’s One Small Catch)

The risk of asteroid impact is near zero. But there is a small possibility that something hits asteroid, and changes its course. The most feared things. That we might not have time to react to are small. And, maybe ship or smaller asteroids that courses can transfer easier. The impact from satellites can also turn those small asteroids into another trajectory. 

The Liberty Statue's size asteroids are things that can destroy entire cities. And it's a small possibility. That some satellites or some other small asteroids hit it at a critical point and push that asteroid to Earth. 

Another thing is that an asteroid that changes its trajectory from Venus or the Sun and comes from the Sun's direction can stay unseen. Those, maybe very small objects can cause risk in a very short reaction time. Can those objects cause danger on Earth? The material that forms an asteroid, its shape, and its speed are things that determine: does it comes even near the Earth's surface. 

The small asteroids can detect only a couple of hours before they impact. But changing their course is not very difficult. The small space shuttle can pull a mylar bag over them and then pull them away from their trajectory. Large ice asteroids can be vaporized using small nuclear weapons. The spacecraft's rocket engines can also turn that ice to vapor. The spacecraft can also dock the rocket to the asteroid and push it gently to another trajectory. 

There is the possibility of turning the trajectory of the large asteroids by detonating a series of neutron bombs on another side of the asteroid. Those impulses can turn the asteroid's trajectory. Or if there is some kind of ocean in the asteroid's shell. The nuclear detonator can make a hole in the ice. And then that water can turn the asteroid's trajectory.

keskiviikko 26. helmikuuta 2025

The nuclear rocket passed 4200 degrees Fahrenheit (2300 C)

"In collaboration with NASA, General Atomics has achieved a significant milestone by testing nuclear propulsion fuels capable of enduring extreme space environments, marking a step closer to human missions to Mars. Credit: General Atomics, edited". (ScitechDaily, NASA’s Nuclear Rocket Fuel Just Survived 4200°F – A Major Step Toward Mars)

The General Atomics nuclear reactor or its fuel passed 2300 C without melting. That means the reactor is quite ready for Mars missions. The reactor is not the only thing that the spacecraft must have. But it's one of the vital components of that journey. 

The nuclear-powered spacecraft is the tool that can used for the R&D process for new, multipurpose aerospace and space systems that can revolutionize civil and military operations. However, spaceborne, lightweight nuclear rectors are tools that can give energy to some, like spaceborne lasers. Things like nuclear-powered shuttles that can operate space and atmosphere are not new ideas. 

In the 1950s and 1960s the Soviet and U.S. air forces developed aircraft and missile concepts like Project Pluto, Convair NB36H, and Tupolev Tu-95LAL were concepts that could be something. But then public opinion turned against nuclear-powered aircraft. Modern miniature reactors with highly enriched plutonium can make it possible to create things like jet-fighter-size shuttles that can operate in the atmosphere and space. 

Project Pluto was the nuclear-powered cruise missile that planned to use a nuclear-powered ramjet engine. The problem was that the reactor made the exhaust gas radioactive. And the Pluto missile left a deadly radioactive tail behind it. The thing is that the hydrogen will not turn radioactive. But the fact is the propellant must not be in contact with nuclear fuel. 

The reactor can boil propellant using electromagnetic waves like lasers, electric arcs, and microwaves. The thing is that the small nuclear reactors that use some synthetic elements can bring new abilities to next-generation hypersonic technology, or spacecraft that can operate in the atmosphere or orbital and beyond it. 

Basically. The nuclear-powered VTOL space shuttle is not very difficult to make. There must only be the blowers that raise the craft to hover above the ground. When the altitude is above the trees or buildings the system can start its jet engines or nuclear jet engines. The blowers are for silent travel. Jet engine systems are for fast travel.

Homomorphic encryption can encrypt information better than other algorithms.

As you can see above. Homomorphic encryption handles information in encrypted mode. Or otherwise saying. The sender sends data to the receiver in encrypted mode. Then the cloud system makes the computing process. And then the cloud system transmits data to the receiver, who will decrypt the answer using its own decryption key. And that keeps the cloud services more secure than before. 

The encryption can also protect the system against malware. When the system stores data in encrypted mode, it can prevent malicious software from running. That keeps data safe, also in cases. Where thieves physically steal hard disks. 

The next part is taken from Wikipedia, Homomorphic Encryption. 

The homomorphic algorithms were useless when they were created in the 1970's. The best way to use that algorithm is to use it to secure data that travels between servers and clients. That means the homomorphic encryption is not so effective in communication between two equal workstations. However, the cloud-based data architecture makes homomorphic encryption more effective. In that model, the cloud is the tool that has a similar role. 

Homomorphic encryption is a form of encryption with an additional evaluation capability for computing over encrypted data without access to the secret key. The result of such a computation remains encrypted. Homomorphic encryption can be viewed as an extension of public-key cryptography. Homomorphic refers to homomorphism in algebra: the encryption and decryption functions can be thought of as homomorphisms between plaintext and ciphertext spaces.

Homomorphic encryption includes multiple types of encryption schemes that can perform different classes of computations over encrypted data. The computations are represented as either Boolean or arithmetic circuits. Some common types of homomorphic encryption are partially homomorphic, somewhat homomorphic, leveled fully homomorphic, and fully homomorphic encryption:

Partially homomorphic encryption encompasses schemes that support the evaluation of circuits consisting of only one type of gate, e.g., addition or multiplication.

Somewhat homomorphic encryption schemes can evaluate two types of gates, but only for a subset of circuits.

Leveled fully homomorphic encryption supports the evaluation of arbitrary circuits composed of multiple types of gates of bounded (pre-determined) depth.

Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) allows the evaluation of arbitrary circuits composed of multiple types of gates of unbounded depth and is the strongest notion of homomorphic encryption.

For the majority of homomorphic encryption schemes, the multiplicative depth of circuits is the main practical limitation in performing computations over encrypted data. Homomorphic encryption schemes are inherently malleable. In terms of malleability, homomorphic encryption schemes have weaker security properties than non-homomorphic schemes". 

(Wikipedia, Homomorphic encryption)

As the supercomputers had in the past. So, we can say that in homomorphic encryption the system pushes the data handling process to the back office out from the user's eyes. The entire data handling process happens in the cloud. And that makes homomorphic encryption more secure than traditional two-stage (RSA) encryption. 

The two-stage homomorphic encryption can also make the networking between equal workstations more secure. In that model, the sender must not know the receiver's decryption key. The idea is that the sender sends data to the cloud. There the system encrypts the data again so that the receiver can open it using the receiver's own key. The system can look like RSA encryption. 

The public key that RSA uses can point the message to the right locker or receiving point. There the system decrypts the message so that the receiver can open it with its own individual key. The idea is that all the system users have their own, individual keys. One for encryption and one for decryption. The keys are made by random ASCII numbers and the part of the mark rows that the user gives. The user sees only a small part of that key. 

The encryption key is also the key that the system uses to accept information. If the key is wrong the system denies the message. The system hides its internal key-pair which is a combination of the sender's encryption key and the key that the system generates. 

That combination is the key that the system uses the encrypt information. Then receiving system uses that key and the receiver's private key to decrypt the message. The point where the sender sends data to the receiver is vulnerable. The system must keep encryption and decryption keys secret. The system must also be careful that the receiving system can decode that data using its own individual key.

The new light-based technology can turn dugs on and off.

"A simple pulse of light can control the activity of a molecule at a specific location without affecting surrounding cells, thereby limiting unwanted side effects. Credit: Gotta lab – UNIGE" (ScitechDaily, Scientists Just Found a Way to Turn Drugs On and Off With Light)

The same system that can activate and deactivate medicines can be used in molecule-based data storage. The reactive tail of the molecule causes an electric impulse that is one for the system and the non-reactive gives zero. The molecules can be upside down and then the light or acoustic impulse turns them around. The non- or less reactive tail gives zero and the higher reactive tail gives one. 

The system where the receiver plays with the voltage levels is easier for the receiver than the case where the molecule doesn't give a voltage at all. There must be something that senses if the certain molecule travels through the reader. The other version is that the laser reads how tall the molecule is. The size of the molecule can determine if it should give one or zero to the receiver. 

The nanoball can also make it possible to create chemical qubits. Those medical qubits store information on the magnetic molecules on the nano-balls. Then laser destroys that ball and sends those molecules to receivers. And each molecule is in a certain state in the qubit. 

Nanotechnology is one of the most impressive ways to make medicines. There is the possibility of making nano-size balls where the medicines or other chemicals are located. The ball itself is made of the nano-net there are the nano-hatches. The light-based nanotechnology can activate and deactivate drugs. The system sends light impulses to the nano-ball surface. 

And that light impulse can open and close the nano hatches on the nano-ball surface. Or the light can remove the non-reactive shell from those molecules. Or the signal can turn the molecule with the reactive tail to the outside. When light deactivates medicine it can turn the non-reactive tail to outside. The acoustic signal can also make similar things. The hatches in nanonet can also make it possible to create medicines that can be active only when needed. The system is like a high-tech laundry ball. 

The system can also use things like acoustic systems to open or close the hatches. The idea is that the nanoball that is near the targeted point faces the acoustic impulse. The low pressure at the opposite side pulls nanohatches open and that can release enzyme-acid combinations. 

Those proteins there is acid molecules on them that can cut the wanted tissue away. The ability to use enzyme-acid combinations as medical tools can make it possible to create new medicines. Things like cancer- and bacteria cells can be resistant to regular antibiotics and cytostatics. However, they cannot resist the acids and enzymes that cut their protein molecules. The ability to activate and deactivate medicines can also be used in other chemicals. 

The ability to activate and deactivate chemicals can have many uses in the chemical industry. The ability to activate and deactivate enzymes and inhibitors makes it possible to advance chemical reaction control. And that can be the new step in fundamental chemistry.

GPS jamming and spoofing are normal tools in modern warfare.

The GNSS/GPS jamming and spoofing are things that require counter-actions. Theoretically, GPS jamming and spoofing is quite an easy thing to do. The system must only make the signal that disturbs the GPS code. And that denies the GPS use. Another thing that can break the GPS is the plasma shield between the satellite and the ground station. Also, the hacked GPS signal can uncover the locations of opposite troops. That means the operators must find different ways to navigate. 

In submarines and naval operations, the atom-clock-based navigation systems that search the changes in the Earth's gravity field can be tools that make GPS unnecessary. The system bases the weight that is calibrated for a certain point on Earth. Then the system follows changes in the weight that is on the libra. The system also follows time dilation in the atom clock. 

The atom clock can also act as a chronometer. The system can measure the time that a submarine uses at a certain speed. When the submarine changes its course, that system makes the mark and then it starts to calculate and draw the new line. That gives the ability to measure the distance accurately. Along with inertia, this system gives very high accuracy to the system. The artificial intelligence can calculate the distance even if the submarine changes its speed and makes a zic-zac movement. 

In some versions, the gestational photo-recon satellites stratospheric satellites, and drone swarms send images from the operational areas. Stratospheric satellite means. An airship or balloon that hovers in an atmosphere higher than aircraft but lower than satellites. Those systems can also equipped with counter-missile systems that make them less vulnerable to AA- and aircraft-launched missiles. 

Same way satellites, or at least military satellites require anti-missile systems that can destroy incoming ASAT (Anti-satellite weapons). But the lasers. And other DEW direct energy weapons are changing that situation. 

The own troops send laser signals upwards that those systems see. And then they can send the location of those troops to them. The weakness of those systems is that weather affects their abilities. 

Another way is to use radar satellites that activate transponders that the ground forces use. The radar satellite sees if the area is under jamming because that jamming disturbs the image that it sends. The problem with active jamming is that the jammer system is vulnerable to anti-radar missiles. The system can send the 3D map image to the users. The problem is that this kind of system is possible to jam in similar ways. As the GPS itself. The drone swarm that hovers below the clouds can also track its own troops. The limited operational time is the problem with those systems. 

When we think about things like GPS-guided weapons the TERCOM-inertial combination with the optical seeker, system can make guided weapons immune to GPS jamming. The system uses the 3D map that radar satellites create to navigate aircraft into the right position. Then the aircraft launches a weapon that uses an inertial (gyroscope) to navigate to visible range to the target. Then the nose camera uses the image that recon systems took of the target. And aims a weapon into it. The system is similar to that used in Javelin missiles.

tiistai 25. helmikuuta 2025

Small robots can act as robot puzzles.

"A new ultra-light swimming robot mimics marine flatworms, using silent undulating fins for precise movement in tight aquatic spaces. It could revolutionize environmental monitoring and precision agriculture. Credit: EPFL-LMTS" (ScitechDaily, Scientists Develop Tiny 6-Gram Robot That Swims Through Tight Spaces With Ease)

The small robots can act as individual tools. But, they can also act as the bites in puzzles. Engineers made a six-gram robot. That can research its environment. Or a swarm of those small robots can cover large areas. The swarm of small robots can use non-centralized cloud-based neural networks. The robot can operate in water. But if it's the quadcopter shape that thing can also fly. 

In some models, the lasers or high-power radio waves can transport energy to those systems. The laser beam can transfer energy to the small photovoltaic cells. The small plutonium batteries or the cells from electric eels can create energy for those systems. 

The small robots can operate in their entirety. Each robot can have different sensors like laser spectrometers, microphones, seismic sensors, or cameras. The robot group can operate in small water areas or they can fly, if they are small quadcopters. They can search for pollution, and toxic chemicals, hear bird sounds, and go to dangerous places. 

In the military world, they can search and eavesdrop on enemy installations. The small-size robots can also make it possible to create new types of nuclear bombs. That is the robot swarm. In that robot swarms robots carry small neptunium or plutonium bites. And then they can go together forming a critical mass. 

"An artist’s depiction of a material-like collective of robots forming a rigid device. Credit: Brian Long, University of California Santa Barbara, edited" (ScitechDaily, Scientists Just Created Shape-Shifting Robots That Flow Like Liquid and Harden Like Steel)

(ScitechDaily, Scientists Just Created Shape-Shifting Robots That Flow Like Liquid and Harden Like Steel)

The robot amoeba is a group of very small robots. It can make even the T-1000 from Terminator movies possible. 

The shape-shifting robots can turn as hard as steel. And then they can take liquid form. Amoeba robot groups are fundamental devices that can make self-repairing structures and even make liquid, shape-chancing robots possible. That means those robots can transported to the operational area using the tanks. 

Or they can travel through tubes. The idea of liquid robots is simple. Those systems are like robot swarms. But they can form an amoebae-shaped structure. Small robots can use neural-network-based computing algorithms. 

Then, they can take any form as the programmer wants. And that can be a breakthrough in material development. Those robots can hide in the tanks in submarines, aircraft, or in spacecraft. Amoeba- robots can travel to the damaged point and repair damages.  And maybe in the future, those robot groups can make it possible to create structures that change their shape. 

When aircraft travel faster, or some car or other vehicle requires a new role liquid robots can take another shape. They can also transform into other tools. So, the robot amoeba can also take the shape of a screwdriver or spanner. The robot amoeba that takes the shape of everything that it touches can be closer than ever before. The ability to read the DNA makes it possible to take the shape of any person.

maanantai 24. helmikuuta 2025

Quantum computing and Asimov's "The Last question" novel.

The futuristic quantum computers can be the cubes around the stars. The star inside the double-layer cube helps to keep the internal space's temperature or energy level higher than the outer layer's energy level. The cube can be a two-layer graphene. And because energy travels out from the internal structure. The outer layer's energy level is lower. And that helps to keep the superposition and quantum entanglement static. 

The thing that destroys quantum entanglement is the case where the energy levels on both sides turn to the same level. But if the quantum computer is like a cube around the star that means the energy that comes from the star and travels in one direction keeps the energy level at the receiving side of the quantum entanglement energy level lower. 

Then we can go to think about the "Last Question", Isaac Asimov's novel. There is a copy of that novel or reference about it from Wikipedia. So we can go to think about that thing novel and its philosophies. We can think that the Mulvac, AC (Analog Computer), or whatever that computer is, is the thing that creates the virtual universe inside it. That kind of computer can theoretically jump into the fourth dimension by making the network of the photons. That is in the quantum entanglement. Then it can drive those photons into a black hole. That can put the system into the fourth dimension. And maybe that thing can save it from the ultimate end of the universe. 

But then we can ask if the Multivac, the hyperspace-based computer is only a simulation. The human brains are connected to it. Using the BCI (Brain Computer Interface). That kind of simulation allows humans to travel as astral bodies in the virtual world that runs in the computer memory allowing humans to jump to another planet in seconds. The ultimate simulations allow the ultimate freedom, but the body is connected to the bed. 

The other thing is this. We can think of this system as the mind that sometimes forms itself, again and again. So every time. When a system called the AI-quantum computer running simulation destroys itself and then its copy forms that system again it expands its dataset. Or every time. When Multivac creates itself it expands its skills. The Multivac" can be the virtual universe. And every person can connect to it using wireless brain implants. Then we can think that the person simply wakes up in the final scene of that novel. 

Or maybe we can think of the case that the last person is out of that collective mind as the situation that we sometimes face. Even if the Multivac is merging all minds into one entirety the last mind that waits to merge can have the answer. The situation is the same as we can think about the situation. That 10001 scientists work in some place. There are 10000 seats in some conferences so they must leave one scientist behind them. 

There are 10000 highly trained people, but there is a small possibility that this single person has the lost piece of the puzzle. The idea is that is that the scientific work is like puzzle. All people who work with those things have a piece of the puzzle. Even if we think that we have the picture there is the possibility that the one missing piece is the crucial thing in the puzzle. 

The next part is a straight citation from the Wikipedia page: The Last Question". 

The last question is about the quantum computer called "Multivac". The idea is that there is one question that the Mutivac cannot answer and that is: "How can the net amount of entropy of the universe be massively decreased?" That is equivalent to asking, "Can the workings of the second law of thermodynamics (used in the story as the increase of the entropy of the universe) be reversed?" Multivac's only response after much "thinking" is "INSUFFICIENT DATA FOR MEANINGFUL ANSWER." 

he story jumps forward in time into later eras of human and scientific development. These new eras highlight humanity's goals of searching for "more"; more space, more energy, more planets to inhabit once the current one becomes overcrowded. As humanity's imprint on the universe expands, computers have subsequently become more compact, as evidenced in the "Microvac", a smaller and more advanced iteration of Multivac, noted in the second era of the story, which details humanity's inhabitation on "Planet X-23". In each era, someone decides to ask the ultimate "last question" regarding the reversal and decrease of entropy. Each time that Multivac's descendant is asked the question, it finds itself unable to solve the problem, and all it can answer is (linguistically increasingly sophisticated) "THERE IS AS YET INSUFFICIENT DATA FOR A MEANINGFUL ANSWER."

In the last scene, the god-like descendant of humanity, the unified mental process of over a trillion, trillion, trillion humans who have spread throughout the universe, watches the stars flicker out, one by one, as matter and energy end, and with them, space and time. Humanity asks AC ("Analog Computer"), Multivac's ultimate descendant that exists in hyperspace beyond the bounds of gravity or time, the entropy question one last time, before the last of humanity merges with AC and disappears. AC is still unable to answer but continues to ponder the question even after space and time cease to exist. AC ultimately realizes that it has not yet combined all of its available data in every possible combination and so begins the arduous process of rearranging and combining every last bit of information that it has gained throughout the eons and through its fusion with humanity. Eventually AC discovers the answer—that the reversal of entropy is, in fact, possible—but has nobody to report it to, since the universe is already dead. It therefore decides to answer by demonstration. The story ends with AC's pronouncement:

And AC said: "LET THERE BE LIGHT!" And there was light—

sunnuntai 23. helmikuuta 2025

The 1932 observation may make fundamental advances to quantum computing.

"A research team at Aalto University has unlocked a way to transition between quantum energy levels more efficiently, bypassing conventional constraints. Their technique enables more robust control over quantum systems, with potential benefits for quantum computing. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, A 1932 Discovery Is Rewriting the Future of Quantum Computing)

"Physicists at Aalto University have reimagined a fundamental quantum process first discovered in 1932, making it possible to transition between energy levels in quantum systems in a way that was previously forbidden. Using a superconducting circuit, they demonstrated a method to bypass an intermediate energy state without directly interacting with it—an advancement that could lead to more powerful and efficient quantum computing." (ScitechDaily, A 1932 Discovery Is Rewriting the Future of Quantum Computing)

Researchers at Aalto University discovered an idea, of how to avoid the interim between two energy levels.  The problem with quantum computing is how to make the quantum travel between two energy levels or energy spaces and avoid the space where the quantum is in those two energy levels at the same time. 

"The team managed to take the device from its ground energy level to what is known as the second excited level, even though no direct coupling between the levels exists. This was done by simultaneously applying two Landau-Zener-Stückelberg-Majorana processes. The first excited state was left empty at the end of the protocol, as if it had been skipped entirely. The technique circumvents a physics constraint that forbids going from the ground level to the second level directly. The result is a more robust and information-efficient protocol that could be applied to domains like quantum computers to increase their power."(ScitechDaily, A 1932 Discovery Is Rewriting the Future of Quantum Computing)

When a particle is in the interim it conducts energy through it and that destroys the particle itself or the quantum entanglement between those particles. We can think of the interim as the point where the particle faces the Earth's atmosphere when it arrives at the Earth. 

The atmosphere is the interim between space and water. And that thing causes that energy to travel out from a particle or object. The interim is the thing that disturbs information on the particle's shell. We can think that quantum interim is the terminator, the border of the night and day on planets. When the particle is in the same time in two energy levels it causes "quantum wind" that destroys information on the particle's shell. 

That interim is the situation where particles are hot and cold at the same time. Energy or quantum wind travels to the lower energy side of the particle. And then. It can focus on one spot. That spot forms the quantum dot, that can superposition to the shell of another particle. But if the system stores information in the shell of the particle the energy must stand in its original form before it starts to create superposition and quantum entanglement between those quantum dots. 

The problem is that the energy, or information must be in a stable position. Or frozen before the quantum entanglement is formed. 

There is a possibility that the system can cover particles with quantum dots. Then it can press those quantum dots and that way deny the interim. When we think about energy levels all energy levels are separated. That means all levels are levels. Even small differences in energy levels make energy move. 

“Researchers developed an electric control pulse that changes the state of the qubit from the ground level to the second by using a virtual process involving the first level. There are many benefits to our method, including that we don’t need to know the transition frequency perfectly, but a rough estimate is enough” (ScitechDaily, A 1932 Discovery Is Rewriting the Future of Quantum Computing)

"“Usually, if you have a multilevel system, you can of course put some radiation in, but you will most likely excite a lot of states that you may not want. Our result shows how to target very precisely the intended state, even in systems with frequency drift. Imagine that you are scanning for your preferred radio station: our method would allow you to jump over frequencies and listen to the one you like even if you cannot tune in very precisely,” (ScitechDaily, A 1932 Discovery Is Rewriting the Future of Quantum Computing)

China builds the world's largest underwater drone.

"Smaller than regular diesel-electric submarines, China's latest vessel has torpedo tubes (Representational image)" (Interesting Engineering, China secretly building ‘world’s largest underwater drone’ with torpedo tubes)

The new Chinese submarine is smaller than the regular diesel-electric submarines. That means those vessels can be new and deadly drones. Those systems are larger than U.S. Navy Orca, autonomous underwater vehicle, AUV, systems. That makes those Chinese submarine drones more multipurpose than Orca. 

Researchers think that those new submarines can dock to the larger submarines and they can operate in various underwater missions. The submarine can carry smaller drones to the target. Those drones can be underwater caterpillars intelligent torpedoes, or underwater kamikaze drones. That submarine can be like matrioshka. There can be quadcopters that can operate airborne and underwater. 

They also have torpedo tubes, so they can attack other vessels like submarines and ground targets using missiles. And maybe. The Chinese military tests the robot combat swimmers which can operate like human combat swimmers. We all know the Chinese interest in robotics and its military applications. 

(Intersting Engineering, China secretly building ‘world’s largest underwater drone’ with torpedo tubes)

One version to make the submarine drone is to use human-shaped, humanoid robots as operators for regular submarines whose food and beds are replaced by computers. The thing is that the Chinese military and the state of China are not funding humanoid robot research just for fun. In China, nothing happens without military and governmental acceptance. 

Military applications are the primary objective in that country. And the AI-driven submarines are dangerous because they can act in both roles. They can have regular torpedos and missiles. But they can also carry internal warheads. That they can use as the last chance. The idea is that a very large internal warhead forms a giant tsunami that can destroy large areas in coastal lines. That kind of weapon can also destroy all naval and civil vessels in large ocean areas. 

That means those things can be very nasty tools. But those drones may only begin for more powerful and dangerous submarine drones. There are visions that maybe, quite soon, some state will bring full-scale nuclear submarine drones to oceans. Sometimes is speculated that the Russian Status-6, 100-megaton nuclear torpedo could be that kind of vessel. The submarine can navigate to its target using the ocean floor images in the sonar-based TERCOM system. 

And then they can shoot targets or they can explode nuclear warheads inside them. The nuclear submarine has space and nuclear reactors that can give energy to the supercomputers. And that means those submerged vehicles can operate independently. The gravity measurements along with ocean floor maps make them independent from satellite communication and satellite navigation.

lauantai 22. helmikuuta 2025

Some old paintings and drawings introduce secret routes to castles.

"A sketch by Leonardo da Vinci that shows Sforza Castle in the lower left (Image credit: Alamy)" (LiveScience, Mysterious tunnels sketched by Leonardo da Vinci in 1495 may finally have been discovered — hidden under a castle in Milan)

Researchers found the secret corridor in Milan. Leonardo da Vinci documented those corridors in his drawings. That means that there might be more secret chambers and passages hiding in old houses and castles. We know that Leonardo da Vinci hid some secret codes in his works.  

Sometimes. Painters hide secret passages in old paintings. The thing that looks like some kind of portrait can involve information about the secret corridors. 

That means. Things like Mona Lisa can involve some secret passages to some castles. Same way. Leonardo's Crossbow drawing can involve a secret passage to some castle. The problem is people don't know what the painting and castle are. 

Where the Giant Crossbow drawing belongs. The fact is that the painters must make those codes and encryption far away from the castle. If that kind of project is uncovered, that can cause problems for the painter and the map man. 

"Design for a Giant Crossbow - by Leonardo da Vinci" (

Smithsonian magazine

The thing. What makes it hard to solve those cryptical codes is that the map itself is drawn on paper that must be put on the right paintings. The thing outlines of the characters show the secret passages. But the problem is those maps. Those who made use of pairs with those paintings are lost. So, the painting and map are made as a pair. And the map was made precisely delivered with certain paintings. Without the map, people cannot find the passage. The painting is useless without maps. 

Researchers think that. Many famous paintings involve secret passages or routes to secret rooms like secret treasure chambers or secret meeting rooms. And they introduced passages in and out of castles. There are also many other codes hidden in famous paintings. Another thing is that the painter and map maker didn't always know the castle that those things were made for. The location of those castles and mansions was not the painter's and mapman's business.

keskiviikko 19. helmikuuta 2025

Should the USA go to Mars?

In some visions, the crew will land on Mars by using the nuclear-powered Mars lander, which acts same time. As the lander, rover, and craft that can fly back to the orbiter. The system can use the nuclear thermal rocket to make that kind of journey possible. The ability to move and return to orbit makes this system safe. Then the lander module docks to the nuclear rocket that transports it to Earth. 

This kind of system can connect with the solar sail. Then the solar wind and nuclear bombs accelerate it to Mars and maybe to other atmospheric planets. There that craft can use the solar sail as a parachute. The Medusa drive is a hybrid system that uses nuclear bombs and solar sail to transport craft to other planets like Venus, Mars, and Titan moon. The system can transport this kind of nuclear-powered rover shuttle to those distant places. The Medusa system can also return that thing to Earth from Mars. The system can also involve a laser or ion cannon that shoots into that solar sail. That improves the abilities of the Medusa drive. 

In some models, there is a nuclear reactor in the middle of the Medusa craft. The reactor sends particles backward and to the solar sail. The sail also acts as a cooler and communication antenna.  But in the most powerful vision of this futuristic system, antimatter explosions in the middle of the spacecraft send particles to the solar sail and back to space. The system can use a linear accelerator to make the anti-electrons, called positrons. Then, the linear accelerator shoots electrons against those positrons. Those particle-antiparticle pairs annihilate. The annihilation makes thrust when it sends energy to the sail and back. The solar sail offers a good cooler. 

The main question about the manned Mars mission is: does it bring something else, than just gold and glory? The economic costs of that program are similar to the Apollo program. That transported people to the moon. The question is: why do people like Trump and Musk want to take people to Mars? The answer is that they get gold and glory from that project. 

Futuristic Medusa drive is similar to "Project Orion" the spacecraft that planned to use nuclear bombs to accelerate it. But in Medusa, the system involves the solar sail which makes it more effective. Those systems are futuristic visions of nuclear pulse propulsion. They can use nuclear bombs, antimatter beams, antimatter bombs, and other kinds of ion and laser systems to accelerate it. 

The Mars program continues. The question is which route the NASA select? Does it select the non-manned route where robots operate on distant planets? That route minimizes the risks of injuries. Or does it choose a manned path? Both of those routes require things, like new computers, large language models, etc. And the system requires more advanced rockets like nuclear thermal propulsion. 

And then we can return to the Apollo program. The costs of that program were incredible. That program allowed engineers to create spacewalking technologies and during that project researchers and engineers developed many products like Velcos, micrometeorite protection, and many other things like radiation protective suits. Another thing is that the scientific results of that program were more humbling than the technical advances that Apollo made possible. 

The Moon samples and other things could brought to Earth using the automatic systems. Those systems will not risk lives. And this is why robots are researching solar systems. In some visions, the Mars samples that the NASA rover can launch to Earth will take to the moon. There the AI and remote-controlled laboratories make the analysis. There is a small risk that there is sleeping live on that red planet. 

Mars is not any asteroid Bennu. That has no atmosphere and protects against cosmic radiation. The thing is that one mRNA bite can cause infection in humans. The possibility that some sleeping organisms exist on the red planet is minimal. But that possibility must be noticed. Even the smallest possibility is a possibility. 

The economic load of that project created technological steps like computer technology and remote control systems. Also, the COBOL programming language was created for computers that controlled moon modules. The Mars program can also give a boost. To the large language model, LLM, development. Those things brought a very good boost for American industries that owned their patents. Micrometeor protection is a double-use product that can help aircraft and other systems survive under fire in combat zones. The nuclear thermal rockets are tools that NASA needs for that operation. 

One of the most futuristic versions of the Mars craft is the idea of the nuclear-powered space shuttle that can use nuclear thermal propulsion. 

And that technology opens roads to the asteroid belt and beyond. The risks of that mission are enormous, but if it succeeds it opens new roads to the US technology. The Apollo program accelerated the R&D processes in both, civil and military sectors. So, when we think about the U.S. industry and the Mars flights that thing also brings something into their hands. Like Apollo, the Mars mission can accelerate innovations that serve as well as civil and military operators.

The Mars base involves technology. That is useful also in remote locations, underwater structures, and bases as well as in the cases of pandemics. It's possible. The R&D process of that project goes so far. The AI-controlled robots make the station for the crew, which should be on Mars for about one year. The Mars station requires recycling technologies for waste. There is needed biotechnology for food production and of course, the crew needs clothes and other kinds of things. 

The Mars mission can bring gold and glory to America it has not made fundamental things after the Moon missions. But the problem is that. Everything that astronauts can collect can be collected using AI-controlled robots. The stable life on Mars is not yet possible. But maybe base with changing crew can be made in our lifetime. The fact is that this kind of base is one of the things that the Mars crew requires during their mission on the planet.

The quantum spin-chain.

The spin chain is the thing that makes the quantum networks possible.  In this text, quantum spin chain means spin chain. Those chains are quite hard to make because the spin chain is not fully synchronous. The thing, that we can call a quantum dot makes a particle chain act as the tooth of the very sparse-toothed gear. The tooth is the quantum dot that makes contact with the other particle. 

When the system starts to transmit information in the quantum spin chain it must transmit it to the highest energy particle in the chain. When the system makes that thin, it creates a small tooth or energy hill to the receiving particle's quantum field. Then that receiving particle must turn to the next particle in that chain. 

Then it sends information to that next particle. The idea is that information is frozen as the wave to the particle's quantum field's shell. The idea is that the wave travels in that chain and the outsiders cannot see it. The problem is that the energy loss will destroy that wave. 

If we want to make this kind of chain the fact is that we cannot benefit spin axles in that process. When the transmitting particle sends information to receive particle that energy should travel over the particle from another axle or pole to another. This thing makes it hard to make the electron superposition and entanglement. The electron has multiple poles and when information hits those poles, those things destroy the wave that travels on the particle. 

Electron superposition must be made. Using its quantum field that is so far that the poles cannot affect the quantum dot. That field must be so strong that it can control particles. And turn the particle into a position where it can transfer information.

Or in some other model, the pole will lock the quantum dot, like a photon to the quantum field. But then it must turn that point to another electron. There must be a point where the energy pothole information can jump in the quantum entanglement. 

And that makes damages the information that should travel to the quantum chain.  The image above is the model of the quantum chain. When information that is the arrow travels in the quantum spin chain it faces the other atom or particle's quantum field. And another thing is that the quantum dot that puts data into the next atom can be in the wrong angle. 

So that thing causes a leak in the spin chain. The energy loss means. That information goes somewhere there is should not go. The requirement for information travel in the quantum spin chain is that the other side of the chain is at a lower energy level. There is one thing that makes the quantum spin chains interesting. It's possible that things like black holes can make this kind of chain. If that thing is possible the wormhole is one of the quantum channels that form in the chain of small black holes.

Life might be more common in the universe than we thought.

"White dwarf stars, once considered inhospitable, may actually support habitable exoplanets. New climate simulations reveal that fast-rotating planets around white dwarfs retain more heat, avoiding the excessive cooling seen in slower-orbiting worlds. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Could Alien Life Thrive on Planets Orbiting Dead Stars? New Study Suggests Yes)

The search for extraterrestrial intelligence and extraterrestrial lifeforms continues. Researchers suggest that also dead star planets can host lifeforms. So the star that gives energy to those lifeforms must not star at all. Things like white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes can also maintain or even make life on planets that orbit them possible. The material disks around neutron stars and black holes can give energy to planets that can form after the supernova explosion. 

But intelligent lifeforms can also drive material to those star remnants' surfaces. The ion cannons can drive ions to neutron stars, black holes, and white dwarfs. And that thing reduces impact energy. That material can form a fusion reaction on those star remnants' surfaces as it forms in natural events. The civilization can also use things like the neutron star's magnetic field and its pulsar beam as an energy source. 

Things like samples from asteroid Bennu make scientists think about life again. The particles of life are more common than researchers expect. 

If the planet that orbits in the habitable zone and has the right chemical and physical conditions can exist long time enough that means the lifeforms can turn intelligent. The lifeforms are not forming as randomly as we might hope. And that means. That there can be more intelligent civilizations in the universe than we expect. But then we can look at the stars around us. There is one candidate. That could host similar lifeforms as Earth. That is the van Maanen 2. That is a white dwarf at a distance of 14,2 light-years from Earth. Those stars' lifeforms might not live if they cannot get out of their system. 

 The white dwarf can be a remnant of a similar star to our sun. That means there is a possibility that the civilization from that solar system is left to the universe. But then we must remember that our solar system and its planets are also the remnants of some ancient stars. This means the planet's formation can begin after the supernova or nova eruption. 

But then again to the intelligence. We know that there must be something that makes evolution favor intelligence rather than a great number of descendants. The fluctuation of the environment caused the situation that the lifeforms must have the ability to learn things and then apply those things in the ever-changing environment. If the planet's environment is too stable. A large number of descendants is enough for a species' survivability. 

But before intelligence, there must be conditions that make long organic molecules possible. "New research shows that fluctuating environmental conditions helped chemical mixtures self-organize and evolve in structured ways, challenging the notion of chaotic early chemical evolution." (ScitechDaily, Not So Random After All: Scientists Uncover Surprising New Clues to the Origin of Life)

Requirements for life are: 

1) Chemical systems can continuously evolve without reaching equilibrium.

2) Selective chemical pathways prevent uncontrolled complexity.

3) Different molecular species exhibit synchronized population dynamics.

(ScitechDaily, Not So Random After All: Scientists Uncover Surprising New Clues to the Origin of Life)

Life is a complex thing. There are lifeforms on Earth that use volcanic temperature as an energy source. The tree and human might look far different than we might believe. Both of those things live on the same planet. They both have cells with mitochondria and DNA. But that is the only thing that combines those creatures. When we look at things like fishes they also live on the same planet as we do. 

But for those creatures air is poison. They die on dry lands. And for a creature that uses volcanic temperature as its energy source comes sunlight, which can kill it. Same way in caves live organisms without pigment. Those organisms die in the straight sunlight. That means. There are species. 

That live in total darkness. They are aliens to each other. The first organisms on Earth were not different from modern organisms when we see their fossils. But those lifeforms lived on the planet. There was no free oxygen in the oceans or atmosphere. Then plankton organisms release oxygen to oceans and that caused the first extinction. 

The reason for the first two mass extinctions was the conditions where lots of oxygen was released into oceans. That raised the mass of creatures that didn't form or release oxygen. Then the number of oxygen releasers decreased and that thing decreased the oxygen level in the oceans. Then the carbon dioxide is released into the air. Rising temperatures decrease the oxygen level in oceans. Changes in conditions caused the extinctions that forced some species out from water to dry lands. 

The Late Ordovician extinction can happen when there is too much oxygen in the water. Or when the climate turned colder the ocean pulled lots of oxygen in the cold water. Then the climate turned warm again and that released oxygen from the water. That caused a situation where oxygen turned high and low. But there are many theories about that first extinction. 

In the second case, the  Late Devonian extinction was similar to the Ordovician. The animals disappear from oceans for some reason. That made the perfect conditions for plankton growing. Maybe there formed lots of plankton that caused the explosive growth of species like sharks and other sea creatures. Then something destroyed plankton. The reason for that can be some kind of cloud that disturbed their photosynthesis. 

That turned those oxygen producers the users of oxygen. That caused the extinction of the species that ate plankton. Then that extinction continued to higher animals like sharks. And when those creatures fell to the bottom of the ocean they released lots of carbon dioxide into the ocean and atmosphere. That raises the temperature on Earth and weakens the ocean's ability to connect gasses to water.

sunnuntai 16. helmikuuta 2025

The aliens are back to the surface.

Rather than random luck, Earth’s environment dictated when complex life could emerge. This new model suggests that other planets may also follow a similar path, making intelligent life far more likely in the universe. Credit: (ScitechDaily, Are We Alone? Scientists Uncover Evidence That Intelligence May Be Inevitable)

The new models make researchers think that maybe intelligence is inevitable. So that means: if on some planet there are lifeforms. Can exist long time enough, the creatures that live on that planet turn intelligent. But then we face the induction question: how large-scale model that thing can be? Can things like galaxy-scale structures and even the entire universe turn intelligent? 

The intelligence can be the series of the search-and-response circuits. That means it's theoretically possible that things like black holes can turn intelligent. That means the black hole pairs can take the superposition with each other. And those superpositioned and entangled black holes can turn into the quantum neural network. Intelligent black holes, intelligent nebulas, or some other non-organic intelligence can be rather quantum computers than lifeforms as we know lifeforms. 

But the thing is that intelligence doesn't require organic structures. And organic creatures can be intelligent without neurons. Those creatures can formed of proteins that have search-and-response circuits or sense-and-response circuits. In this text, those things mean the same things. 

The search-and-response ability is the thing that the slime mould uses in its nutrient search. The ability means that slime mould can follow chemical traces that its nutrient leaves. And that means search-and-response ability is the collection of sense-and-response abilities. The sense-and-response protein feels the nutrient. And then it starts to follow the trace. And when that trace's signal rises high enough that activates another sense-and-response circuit that starts to produce enzymes.  

So, is intelligence only a series of sense-and-response circuits? 

"Simulation of a vast region of the Universe based on the current cosmological model and performed using supercomputers. In the image, the faint glow of the gas within the cosmic filaments, forming a dense cosmic web, is shown in white. At the intersections of these filaments, the gas within galaxies, which fuels the formation of new stars, is highlighted in red. Credit: Alejandro Benitez-Llambay/Universität Mailand-Bicocca/MPA" (ScitechDaily, First Direct Image of the Cosmic Web Reveals the Universe’s Hidden Highways)

The cosmic web looks like slime mould. And it's possible. That it can have the sense-and-response" circuit. 

"A biological model based on slime mold has provided astronomers with new insights into the structure and evolution of the universe. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Slime Mold Algorithms Unlock Secrets of Vast Cosmic Structures)

"Intelligent aliens, if they exist in the galaxy or the Universe, might be detectable from a variety of signals: electromagnetic, from planet modification, or because they're spacefaring. But we haven't found any evidence for an inhabited alien planet so far. It's also possible that aliens have traveled here and are watching us, and are responsible for some UAP/UFO sightings. If so, however, they can't be made of dark matter or dark energy: a fact we can conclude from already-existing observations." (BigThink, Ask Ethan: Could there be dark matter aliens out there?)

There are many interesting theories and models of alien life. So the question "Are we alone"? Is an infinite topic in scientific and philosophical discussions again. The question "Are we alone in the universe" stays until we get an answer. So we are alone until we get a response. That is one thing that we can use as the fundamental determination for the answer. But then we must realize another thing. Even if we get an alien message or even their technology, are we still alone? 

It's possible. That aliens are not interested in talking with us. So they turn their back on us. Another thing is that there is a possibility that aliens have a similar protocol to operate with sub-Kardachev scale civilizations that we use when we meet primitive tribes. But every model that we have is a guess, a hypothesis. 

And then what is alien? Or what is the extraterrestrial intelligence? The alien is an intelligent structure that can interact with its environment and affect it as it will. Another thing is that we can affect our environment, build houses, and make space stations. But we cannot control things like the sun and neutron stars. The another thing is that we have theoretical models how to control those things. 

We have theoretical models of how to control our genomes and how to make some kind of immortality. The last one requires the ability to change the mitochondria and the cell's nucleus genomes. The system removes the damaged genomes and then replaces them with the fresh DNA. That is one view of genetic engineering. 

If we think about things like dark matter aliens we can first say that this kind of model is unbelievable. But then we can compile that thing with the intelligent universe theory. The dark matter can form at least nebula-type structures. That means the dark matter or the universe network can form the search-and-response structures. The model for that thing is the slime mould, a creature that has intelligence without any neurons. That means some proteins might have the sense-and-response and search-and-response ability. 

That means the intelligent alien might be the protein structure that has the search-and-response circuits in their proteins. That kind of alien creatures can turn their bodies into slime-mould-type structures and slip through the smallest holes. So that kind of creature can be like some kind of vampire that can put its body into bites. And then rebuild it again.

The 4D optics are the optics that see things over time.

"A groundbreaking study has revealed how quantum light behaves at abrupt temporal boundaries, opening the door to an entirely new realm...