sunnuntai 16. helmikuuta 2025

The aliens are back to the surface.

Rather than random luck, Earth’s environment dictated when complex life could emerge. This new model suggests that other planets may also follow a similar path, making intelligent life far more likely in the universe. Credit: (ScitechDaily, Are We Alone? Scientists Uncover Evidence That Intelligence May Be Inevitable)

The new models make researchers think that maybe intelligence is inevitable. So that means: if on some planet there are lifeforms. Can exist long time enough, the creatures that live on that planet turn intelligent. But then we face the induction question: how large-scale model that thing can be? Can things like galaxy-scale structures and even the entire universe turn intelligent? 

The intelligence can be the series of the search-and-response circuits. That means it's theoretically possible that things like black holes can turn intelligent. That means the black hole pairs can take the superposition with each other. And those superpositioned and entangled black holes can turn into the quantum neural network. Intelligent black holes, intelligent nebulas, or some other non-organic intelligence can be rather quantum computers than lifeforms as we know lifeforms. 

But the thing is that intelligence doesn't require organic structures. And organic creatures can be intelligent without neurons. Those creatures can formed of proteins that have search-and-response circuits or sense-and-response circuits. In this text, those things mean the same things. 

The search-and-response ability is the thing that the slime mould uses in its nutrient search. The ability means that slime mould can follow chemical traces that its nutrient leaves. And that means search-and-response ability is the collection of sense-and-response abilities. The sense-and-response protein feels the nutrient. And then it starts to follow the trace. And when that trace's signal rises high enough that activates another sense-and-response circuit that starts to produce enzymes.  

So, is intelligence only a series of sense-and-response circuits? 

"Simulation of a vast region of the Universe based on the current cosmological model and performed using supercomputers. In the image, the faint glow of the gas within the cosmic filaments, forming a dense cosmic web, is shown in white. At the intersections of these filaments, the gas within galaxies, which fuels the formation of new stars, is highlighted in red. Credit: Alejandro Benitez-Llambay/Universität Mailand-Bicocca/MPA" (ScitechDaily, First Direct Image of the Cosmic Web Reveals the Universe’s Hidden Highways)

The cosmic web looks like slime mould. And it's possible. That it can have the sense-and-response" circuit. 

"A biological model based on slime mold has provided astronomers with new insights into the structure and evolution of the universe. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Slime Mold Algorithms Unlock Secrets of Vast Cosmic Structures)

"Intelligent aliens, if they exist in the galaxy or the Universe, might be detectable from a variety of signals: electromagnetic, from planet modification, or because they're spacefaring. But we haven't found any evidence for an inhabited alien planet so far. It's also possible that aliens have traveled here and are watching us, and are responsible for some UAP/UFO sightings. If so, however, they can't be made of dark matter or dark energy: a fact we can conclude from already-existing observations." (BigThink, Ask Ethan: Could there be dark matter aliens out there?)

There are many interesting theories and models of alien life. So the question "Are we alone"? Is an infinite topic in scientific and philosophical discussions again. The question "Are we alone in the universe" stays until we get an answer. So we are alone until we get a response. That is one thing that we can use as the fundamental determination for the answer. But then we must realize another thing. Even if we get an alien message or even their technology, are we still alone? 

It's possible. That aliens are not interested in talking with us. So they turn their back on us. Another thing is that there is a possibility that aliens have a similar protocol to operate with sub-Kardachev scale civilizations that we use when we meet primitive tribes. But every model that we have is a guess, a hypothesis. 

And then what is alien? Or what is the extraterrestrial intelligence? The alien is an intelligent structure that can interact with its environment and affect it as it will. Another thing is that we can affect our environment, build houses, and make space stations. But we cannot control things like the sun and neutron stars. The another thing is that we have theoretical models how to control those things. 

We have theoretical models of how to control our genomes and how to make some kind of immortality. The last one requires the ability to change the mitochondria and the cell's nucleus genomes. The system removes the damaged genomes and then replaces them with the fresh DNA. That is one view of genetic engineering. 

If we think about things like dark matter aliens we can first say that this kind of model is unbelievable. But then we can compile that thing with the intelligent universe theory. The dark matter can form at least nebula-type structures. That means the dark matter or the universe network can form the search-and-response structures. The model for that thing is the slime mould, a creature that has intelligence without any neurons. That means some proteins might have the sense-and-response and search-and-response ability. 

That means the intelligent alien might be the protein structure that has the search-and-response circuits in their proteins. That kind of alien creatures can turn their bodies into slime-mould-type structures and slip through the smallest holes. So that kind of creature can be like some kind of vampire that can put its body into bites. And then rebuild it again.

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