maanantai 24. helmikuuta 2025

Quantum computing and Asimov's "The Last question" novel.

The futuristic quantum computers can be the cubes around the stars. The star inside the double-layer cube helps to keep the internal space's temperature or energy level higher than the outer layer's energy level. The cube can be a two-layer graphene. And because energy travels out from the internal structure. The outer layer's energy level is lower. And that helps to keep the superposition and quantum entanglement static. 

The thing that destroys quantum entanglement is the case where the energy levels on both sides turn to the same level. But if the quantum computer is like a cube around the star that means the energy that comes from the star and travels in one direction keeps the energy level at the receiving side of the quantum entanglement energy level lower. 

Then we can go to think about the "Last Question", Isaac Asimov's novel. There is a copy of that novel or reference about it from Wikipedia. So we can go to think about that thing novel and its philosophies. We can think that the Mulvac, AC (Analog Computer), or whatever that computer is, is the thing that creates the virtual universe inside it. That kind of computer can theoretically jump into the fourth dimension by making the network of the photons. That is in the quantum entanglement. Then it can drive those photons into a black hole. That can put the system into the fourth dimension. And maybe that thing can save it from the ultimate end of the universe. 

But then we can ask if the Multivac, the hyperspace-based computer is only a simulation. The human brains are connected to it. Using the BCI (Brain Computer Interface). That kind of simulation allows humans to travel as astral bodies in the virtual world that runs in the computer memory allowing humans to jump to another planet in seconds. The ultimate simulations allow the ultimate freedom, but the body is connected to the bed. 

The other thing is this. We can think of this system as the mind that sometimes forms itself, again and again. So every time. When a system called the AI-quantum computer running simulation destroys itself and then its copy forms that system again it expands its dataset. Or every time. When Multivac creates itself it expands its skills. The Multivac" can be the virtual universe. And every person can connect to it using wireless brain implants. Then we can think that the person simply wakes up in the final scene of that novel. 

Or maybe we can think of the case that the last person is out of that collective mind as the situation that we sometimes face. Even if the Multivac is merging all minds into one entirety the last mind that waits to merge can have the answer. The situation is the same as we can think about the situation. That 10001 scientists work in some place. There are 10000 seats in some conferences so they must leave one scientist behind them. 

There are 10000 highly trained people, but there is a small possibility that this single person has the lost piece of the puzzle. The idea is that is that the scientific work is like puzzle. All people who work with those things have a piece of the puzzle. Even if we think that we have the picture there is the possibility that the one missing piece is the crucial thing in the puzzle. 

The next part is a straight citation from the Wikipedia page: The Last Question". 

The last question is about the quantum computer called "Multivac". The idea is that there is one question that the Mutivac cannot answer and that is: "How can the net amount of entropy of the universe be massively decreased?" That is equivalent to asking, "Can the workings of the second law of thermodynamics (used in the story as the increase of the entropy of the universe) be reversed?" Multivac's only response after much "thinking" is "INSUFFICIENT DATA FOR MEANINGFUL ANSWER." 

he story jumps forward in time into later eras of human and scientific development. These new eras highlight humanity's goals of searching for "more"; more space, more energy, more planets to inhabit once the current one becomes overcrowded. As humanity's imprint on the universe expands, computers have subsequently become more compact, as evidenced in the "Microvac", a smaller and more advanced iteration of Multivac, noted in the second era of the story, which details humanity's inhabitation on "Planet X-23". In each era, someone decides to ask the ultimate "last question" regarding the reversal and decrease of entropy. Each time that Multivac's descendant is asked the question, it finds itself unable to solve the problem, and all it can answer is (linguistically increasingly sophisticated) "THERE IS AS YET INSUFFICIENT DATA FOR A MEANINGFUL ANSWER."

In the last scene, the god-like descendant of humanity, the unified mental process of over a trillion, trillion, trillion humans who have spread throughout the universe, watches the stars flicker out, one by one, as matter and energy end, and with them, space and time. Humanity asks AC ("Analog Computer"), Multivac's ultimate descendant that exists in hyperspace beyond the bounds of gravity or time, the entropy question one last time, before the last of humanity merges with AC and disappears. AC is still unable to answer but continues to ponder the question even after space and time cease to exist. AC ultimately realizes that it has not yet combined all of its available data in every possible combination and so begins the arduous process of rearranging and combining every last bit of information that it has gained throughout the eons and through its fusion with humanity. Eventually AC discovers the answer—that the reversal of entropy is, in fact, possible—but has nobody to report it to, since the universe is already dead. It therefore decides to answer by demonstration. The story ends with AC's pronouncement:

And AC said: "LET THERE BE LIGHT!" And there was light—

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