"The Pol-theta enzyme (blue) joins two parts of a broken DNA strand (yellow). This process is mutagenic and can give rise to cancer. Credit: Scripps Research" (ScitechDaily, Scientists Capture First-Ever Images of Cancer’s Covert DNA Repair Strategy)
Cancer treatment makes it possible to create new types of treatment against that disease. For a long time. Researchers knew. That there is some kind of thing that helps cancer cells to fix their DNA. And now. They see the process that the cancer cell uses to fix its DNA damage. DNA damage is the thing that makes people turn old. And an interesting thing is what happens if the ability to protect and renew DNA is in the regular cells. That makes it possible to create cells, that keep themselves young.
The zombie cells are the first step to cancer. The ability to see. How those cells form. Makes it possible to remove or reprogram them. The key element is how to detect those cells. And then the second problem is how to reprogram those cells.
Next-generation medicine can inject the DNA into cells. That DNA reprograms cells.
Or orders those cells to die. But the problem is how to make that DNA go into the right cells. Making people forever young is possible.
If the system can change the DNA from the cell's nucleus and mitochondria. The mitochondrial DNA is also important. That cells get their energy. Damaged mitochondria don't create enough energy.
In the laboratory changing the DNA in individual cells is possible. But there are billions of cells in the human body. And that needs enormous-scale nanotechnology to make that kind of thing. It's possible. The cells have synthetic DNA that makes them create viruses that destroy old DNA. And then replaces that with the new DNA. But the problem is how to deny the DNA damage in the cells.
DNA is like a chemical computer program. Base pairs of that molecule control everything that happens in the cell. Many medical molecules are seen as promising against bacteria and cancer cells. But suddenly, those molecules lost their ability to destroy those cells. That means the cancer and bacteria cells turn resistant to those molecules.
We know that the right medicine that is used the wrong way just processes those cells into more resistant ones. The best way to create super bacteria or super cancer cells is to stop the medical treatment too early. That leaves the most valuable cells in the body.
And that thing turns those cells even more deadly. But what happens? What makes things like cancer cells more resistant to medicine? The answer can be in the DNA loop that helps the cell fix its damage. The DNA loop can involve information that a cell can use to fix its DNA and other damages. The same thing can make super bacteria resistant to the medicals. The DNA loops can also give new paths to the research of aging. If the DNA loop can fix the DNA damage it can make people live longer.
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