"A £69 million ARIA-funded project aims to revolutionize Parkinson’s treatment by developing brain implants using midbrain organoids. Led by Professor George Malliaras, the research focuses on helping transplanted dopamine cells integrate into the brain. (Artist’s concept). Credit: SciTechDaily.com-" (ScitechDaily, Cambridge Scientists Develop Brain Implants To Treat Parkinson’s Damage)
That thing can revolutionize computing. And especially the BCI, brain-computer interface technology. The ability to read those signals makes it possible to control computers using those hidden signals. The system can decode those signals to the computer and drive them to speech-to-text applications. Then that application can give orders to computers. By using large language models, LLMs.
The system transmits those hidden signals to the LLM that follows the orders. The thing that makes the BCI quite complicated is to filter non-wanted brain signals. The problem with those kinds of systems is that they can also help people like secret police to see what people think. Otherwise, it can be used to solve crimes, in cases where the fugitive or victim doesn't want to give information.
Maybe quite soon, researchers can also read and decode other brain signals. Than just speech. That allows us to project things like memories to the computer screen. The knowledge that the brains think based on networks rather than single neurons helps to make models to make computers communicate with brains.
"A groundbreaking study has revealed new brain regions that could help restore speech in people with Broca’s aphasia. Scientists are working toward a brain-computer interface that translates brain activity into spoken words, offering new hope for those who have lost their ability to communicate. Credit: SciTechDaily.com" ScitechDaily, Lost for Words? Scientists Decode the Brain’s Hidden Speech Signals)
The ability to read and decode brain signals makes it possible to predict the future better than ever. Brains are like computers. They compile things that happened before to the signals that the senses bring into it. That thing makes it possible to create predictions of what will happen next. There are certain signals in the environment that repeat every remarkable thing. And if we see those signals we can see the future. If we have more sensors that makes those observations more effective and accurate.
Researchers found out how the cerebral cortex predicts the future. The process is very interesting. "The cerebral cortex plays a key role in predicting the future by detecting novel stimuli and forming short-term memories. A new study shows that networks of neurons, rather than single neurons, are responsible for this novelty detection, providing insights into both normal brain function and disorders like schizophrenia."(ScitechDaily, New Study Reveals How the Cerebral Cortex Predicts the Future)
The new neuroimplants can fix the damage that Parkinson's made to the central nervous system. Maybe quite soon the neuro-implated microchips can also be used to fix other neural damages. The thing is that those very flat microchips can be on the skull or in the skull. And then the electrode or wireless system can communicate with those microchips. The thing is that those microchips can communicate with all kinds of devices. The brain-implanted microchips can also make it possible to communicate with other people by using thoughts. The microchip transmits the EEG to the receiver.
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