perjantai 29. marraskuuta 2024

Drones have new missions. From Jupiter's moons to a depth of oceans.

"In the Sensing With Independent Micro-Swimmers (SWIM) concept, illustrated here, dozens of small robots would descend through the icy shell of a distant moon via a cryobot – depicted at left – to the ocean below. The project has received funding from the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts program. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech" (ScitechDaily, Could NASA’s Tiny Robots Discover Life on Europa?)

The most impressive mission for drones or independently operating miniature submarines will be the search for life from Jupiter's moon Europa. The thing is that also two other large moons, Ganymede and Callisto could have similar oceans under their icy surfaces. 

And the third Galilean moon, Io has sulfur volcanoes that are also interesting geological objects. But the main object for that mission could be Europa, the icy moon with icy geysers. The probe can slip the small submarine into those geysers and maybe they can reach the ocean under that icy surface. The done can communicate with the surface unit by using sonars. 

"After completing testing, the Robotic Servicing of Geosynchronous Satellites (RSGS) payload resides in the cryogenic thermal vacuum chamber at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory’s Naval Center for Space Technology in Washington, D.C. Oct. 8, 2024. Once on-orbit, the RSGS payload will inspect and service satellites in geosynchronous orbit. Credit: U.S. Navy photo by Sarah Peterson" (ScitechDaily, DARPA’s Robots to the Rescue: Transforming Satellite Maintenance in Space)

Large-size drone swarms can cover large areas under the icy surface. They can have only a limited number of sensors. But those drones make sensor fusion. And the drone swarm behaves like one bigger platform. This means. Those drones can carry similar sensors. As one large probe or aircraft. But the difference is that those sensors are under different independently operating bodies. And if one of those drones is gone, that doesn't make the failure to the entire mission.  

And that nuclear-powered unit will find a strange water world that is interesting even if there are no living organisms. But those small, long-lasting, independently operating drones can also have missions on Earth. The small AI-controlled drones can also operate in icy lakes under the Antarctean and Greenland icy shells. Things like closed caves and underwater water routes can also be places. That those drones can map. 

"In this illustration, a NASA space exploration concept called Probe using Radioisotopes for Icy Moons Exploration, or PRIME, is depicted being deployed from a lander on the frozen surface of an ocean world. The nuclear-powered probe, also called a cryobot, glows red in the subsurface ocean while connected via a communications tether to a lander miles above on the icy crust. Wedge-shaped, cellphone-size robots – another concept, called Sensing With Independent Micro-Swimmers, or SWIM – are seen traveling off underwater to conduct science beyond the heat of the probe. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech" (ScitechDaily, Could NASA’s Tiny Robots Discover Life on Europa?)

They can collect information about the closed ecosystems. That can be isolated even for thousands of years. But the same systems. That can map and research insects. Also, can collect data from other things. Drones can collect information about underwater systems like submarines. The new radar systems can follow underwater acoustic communication. The same systems can also search for information from the targeted people's discussions. 

The radars can search for things like pressure waves from air or water. And they can used to record the things that people say. Water carries sound at a very long distance. And the system that can measure the oscillation of the water surface can break the privacy of people, who are not careful. The submarine that travels in the water lines can eavesdrop on people in their houses and even the army headquarters. 

The new innovative robots can act as maintenance missions for spacecraft. They could repair the unmanned satellites and probes if they face problems. The repairing robot is the tool that can make the things like large-size, nuclear-powered drones more effective. They can be sure that the expensive system can fulfill its mission.  But similar robots can also fix other underwater drones and structures. The undersea robot can also make it possible to return unmanned systems that return from intelligence or strike missions.

torstai 28. marraskuuta 2024

The new materials and AI-based systems bring new winds to quantum computing.

Above: A Quantum router or hub can look like this. "A novel hybrid quantum computing approach simplifies algorithm execution by integrating natural interactions, reducing the need for extensive quantum gates and improving resistance to errors and noise. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Scientists Crack Quantum Computing Complexity With Revolutionary Hybrid Design)

Researchers created many new things that can boost quantum computing. New materials that absorb the outside interference from quantum channels allow the creation of a new error-free environment where the outside effects are minimized. The nano-crystals can be used to make electromagnetic shadows. That protects information in the quantum entanglement. The thing that destroys the quantum entanglement is the temperature. 

The IR radiation makes non-controlled oscillations in the particle pairs. Normally quantum computers create the quantum entanglement between photons. And the image of the photon makes it possible to control those particles better. The ability to see particles makes it possible to control particles. The Quantum computer can have two versions of the superpositioned and entangled particle pairs. The system can have outside superposition. 

"Using a novel double-transmon coupler, researchers have attained gate fidelities up to 99.98%, paving the way for more reliable and scalable quantum computing. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Computing Breakthrough Achieves 99.98% Gate Fidelity)

"Evolution paths of the single control qubit on the Bloch sphere in the hybrid approach to Grover’s algorithm. Credit: Sinitsyn, N. and Yan, B., Topologically protected Grover’s oracle for the partition problem. Physical Review A 108, 022412 (2023)" (ScitechDaily, Scientists Crack Quantum Computing Complexity With Revolutionary Hybrid Design)

"A molten salt method has unlocked new materials for quantum dots, expanding their technological and scientific potential. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Quantum Breakthrough Allows Researchers To Create “Previously Unimaginable Nanocrystals”)

There the the system puts simply two particles in the superposition. Another, more advanced way to make that thing is to use the internal superpositions of the photons. The internal superposition means. That information is shared into layers of the photons. The thing is that the control of the system requires full knowledge of the system. 

The X-ray systems that can see electrons and other things around atoms are tools. That can be used to make quantum entanglements between electrons in an atom's shells. Things like gamma-ray lasers that can observe the position of the quarks can make it possible to create superpositions and entanglements between quarks in protons and neutrons. 

It's possible that in the world of tomorrow, the quantum computer can use the internal superpositions of protons and neutrons to make the internal superpositions. In superposition, the particle transfers its oscillations to other particles. And the thing that makes the information travel "faster than light" is this.  The quantum channel that protects information allows it to travel faster than light travels in an environment outside the quantum channel. But in that case, the information doesn't travel faster than light travels in a vacuum. 

Those new breakthroughs make it possible to create new and scalable quantum computers. Researchers have made the quantum system that gate fidelity is 99,98%. And that is the new and very accurate way to make the system. That thing increases the power of the quantum system. The new systems can also exchange information between quantum and binary states, without the need to stop the system. 

The AI-controlled morphing networks make it possible for the interface between quantum and binary states not to stop when the quantum system transmits and exchanges information over the border of quantum and binary states. The system can have one binary computer pair for each quantum state. 

Or the system can select the receiving computer from the morphing neural network. The network control algorithm tells the router. Which of the computers in the segment is free, Then the router can route the data to the free computer. If the qubit has 125 states there can be 125 binary processor pairs (250 processors) that operate their own state. 

The morphing neural networks can also emulate quantum computers. Each of the binary computers (microprocessor) in the networks. Can work as one state of the qubit. The morphing means that the system can share missions with different computers. Or it can connect all computers to work for the one focus.

The string theory still lives.

"If string theory is true, our universe has extra dimensions that lie curled up at every point around us." (, What happens if string theory is wrong?)

"In physics, string theory is a theoretical framework in which the point-like particles of particle physics are replaced by one-dimensional objects called strings. String theory describes how these strings propagate through space and interact with each other. On distance scales larger than the string scale, a string looks just like an ordinary particle, with its mass, charge, and other properties determined by the vibrational state of the string. In string theory, one of the many vibrational states of the string corresponds to the graviton, a quantum mechanical particle that carries the gravitational force. Thus, string theory is a theory of quantum gravity." (Wikipedia, StringTheory)

Can superstring that travels through photons explain dark matter? The superstring that travels through photons transports the quantum field away from that thing.  And outside the quantum field tries to fill that hole.  If that model is right. The photon can bundle other superstrings into a structure that looks like a cereal grain. 

The string theory can answer things like dark matter and dark energy problems very fast. The idea is that the photon is the superstring that can collect wave movement into it. That thing means that the photon can involve a quantum-size black hole. Or it can focus energy impulses into the middle of it. There that energy reflects back. That requires that the photon is a straight ring-shaped structure. 

That is the thing that makes the dark energy, or wave movement that rips the universe into pieces. But the origin of that thing is unknown. The string theory allows that one superstring can travel through the photon. And that string acts like a thermal pump. It can transfer energy out from the middle of a photon and that thing can make it possible for the photon to turn invisible. 

That string can transfer energy out of focus with such high speed that it has no time to reflect. The superstring that transports energy in different directions can turn a photon dark and give it the gravity field. The idea is when that superstring transports energy or quantum field out from the middle of that object, the outside quantum field tries to fill that hole. That thing causes a situation in the quantum field that pulls objects into that thing. 

"String theory is a mathematical description of nature that requires space to possess several additional dimensions beyond the ordinary three. These extra dimensions, too small to notice in ordinary life, can assume many possible shapes, or geometries (depicted artistically here) that can influence the properties of the universe and subatomic particles. Credit: O. Knill and E. Slavkovsky", String theory is not dead yet)

"The string theory still lives. 

Can superstring that travels through photons explain dark matter? The superstring that travels through photons transports the quantum field away from that thing.  And outside the quantum field tries to fill that hole.  If that model is right. The photon can bundle other superstrings into a structure that looks like a cereal grain. 

The string theory can answer things like dark matter and dark energy problems very fast. The idea is that the photon is the superstring that can collect wave movement into it. That thing means that the photon can involve a quantum-size black hole. Or it can focus energy impulses into the middle of it. There that energy reflects back. That requires that the photon is a straight ring-shaped structure. 

That is the thing that makes the dark energy, or wave movement that rips the universe into pieces. But the origin of that thing is unknown. The string theory allows that one superstring can travel through the photon. And that string acts like a thermal pump. It can transfer energy out from the middle of a photon and that thing can make it possible for the photon to turn invisible. 

That string can transfer energy out of focus with such high speed that it has no time to reflect. The superstring that transports energy in different directions can turn a photon dark and give it the gravity field. The idea is when that superstring transports energy or quantum field out from the middle of that object, the outside quantum field tries to fill that hole. That thing causes a situation in the quantum field that pulls objects into that thing. 

The string theory explains that material is a group of strings.  This is an oversimplified model of the string theory. String theory explains that dimension and spacetime are groups of superstrings. Extra dimensions exist in those strings, but they are too small to measure. 

Those strings are of different sizes. That means the smallest superstrings are the size of photons and the largest are larger than the universe. The superstring can travel through the universe. And if a black hole pulls that billions of ly long string in it. That string's speed is connected with the speed of light. That means. Those extremely long superstrings can travel into black holes even billions of years. 

In that theorem, the universe is in the larger superstring and those strings can travel in space and time. That means the superstrings can entwine with each other. That means the wormholes are the superstrings that entwine with each other and form the channel through the spacetime. In that model, the superstrings are things that form every particle and any wave movement from the gravity waves to the radio waves. 

"It's possible. Dark matter has some other interactions than just gravitational interactions. The answer can be in photon, as I wrote at the begin of the text. " (ScitechDaily,Quantum Leap: Scientists Reveal the Shape of a Single Photon for the First Time)

The image of a photon brings the idea. Could the photon be the superstring that moves and oscillates in the field? When those superstrings oscillate they pull energy into them. And then. Those things can also relieve the energy that they store. That oscillation is the source of energy flows. The superstring theory is easy to explain. But proving that theory is extremely difficult. The superstrings are the thing that can form. Another and another different size superstrings. And making a mathematical model of that thing is difficult. 

So. If we think that superstrings form all material we face another interesting thing. The superstrings form antimatter and material. They form material and energy. And superstrings should form dark matter and dark energy. The problem is: How superstrings make those things. The ring-shaped structure is the thing that can pull those superstrings into a form that looks like a western cloaca in seafaring. The problem is how dark matter can be "dark"? 

The string theory explains that material is a group of strings.  This is an oversimplified model of the string theory. String theory explains that dimension and spacetime are groups of superstrings. They are of different sizes. That means the smallest superstrings are the size of photons and the largest are larger than the universe. The superstring can travel through the universe. And if a black hole pulls that billions of ly long string in it. That string's speed is connected with the speed of light. That means those extremely long superstrings can travel into black holes even billions of years. 

In that theorem, the universe is in the larger superstring and those strings can travel in space and time. That means the superstrings can entwine with each other. That means the wormholes are the superstrings that entwine with each other and form the channel through the spacetime. In that model, the superstrings are things that form every particle and any wave movement from the gravity waves to the radio waves. 

The image of a photon brings the idea. Could the photon be the superstring that moves and oscillates in the field? When those superstrings oscillate they pull energy into them. And then. Those things can also relieve the energy that they store. That oscillation is the source of energy flows. The superstring theory is easy to explain. But proving that theory is extremely difficult. The superstrings are the thing that can form. Another and another different size superstrings. And making a mathematical model of that thing is difficult. 

So. If we think that superstrings form all material we face another interesting thing. The superstrings form antimatter and material. They form material and energy. And superstrings should form dark matter and dark energy. The problem is: How superstrings make those things. The ring-shaped structure is the thing that can pull those superstrings into a form that looks like a western cloaca in seafaring. The problem is how dark matter can be "dark"? 

It's possible. Dark matter has some other interactions than just gravitational interactions. The answer can be in photon, as I wrote at the beginning of the text.

keskiviikko 27. marraskuuta 2024

Can kamikaze drones endanger the entire state?

Kamikaze drones or loitering ammunition are tools that are proven effective against Russia. But can those loitering ammunition endanger the Western military? If security personnel are not prepared. Those things can destroy soft targets like jet fighters. The kamikaze drones are excellent tools for surprise attacks. The attacker can bring them near targets in plastic bags. 

Or those drones can look like briefcases or canning jars. And if those drones can travel to a target without nobody disturbing them, they can cause bad damage at least stealth fighters and electric supply. If we think about things like cases where small-size drones are used to attack those drones can threaten a person's safety. They are almost perfect assassination tools. And that makes those systems very dangerous. 

Above: Implet, or contact mine, used in "Frankton" operation

When we think about things like ships and especially submarines the underwater quadcopters can cause new threats to marine systems. The quadcopter can carry similar contact mines to those used by British commandoes in the "Frankton" operation in Bordeaux harbor in, 1942. 

Those commandoes used contact mines and today things like stealth fighters or agents can deliver those destructive systems to the harbour. And then. They can search for targets like submarines and ships and connect to them using suction cups or other low-pressure systems. 

The system can work with a low-pressure chamber. When ventilation opens the system touches the hull of the ship. 

The pressure system's mission is to make ammunition contact and stay on antimagnetic hulls.  The system can use the cavity charge or regular explosive. The system can use image-ID and acoustic target recognition. It can prowl targets at the bottom of the harbors. 

Those devices can damage submarines or surface ships very badly. So if we think that drones can give a solution to the war, we must realize that there are many counteractions against them. But the problem is if those counter actions do not exist or they are not used drones are effective. Small-size drones can dropped to operational areas or near targets from aircraft. They can search things like bunker's entrances or missile silos. And. Those systems can also be used to eavesdrop and image intelligence.

The new material absorbs all electromagnetic waves.

"Researchers have created an ultra-thin film that can absorb almost all electromagnetic waves across several frequency bands, significantly boosting the performance of wireless communication devices. (Artist’s concept.) Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Breakthrough Material Perfectly Absorbs All Electromagnetic Waves)

"The team, led by Dr. Byeongjin Park and Dr. Sang Bok Lee from the Composites & Convergence Materials Research Division at  Korea Institute of Materials Science, KIMS, synthesized a magnetic material by altering the crystal structure of ferrite, enabling it to selectively absorb desired frequencies. They produced an ultra-thin polymer composite film and incorporated conductive patterns on the film’s back side to control the propagation of electromagnetic waves. (ScitechDaily, Breakthrough Material Perfectly Absorbs All Electromagnetic Waves)

By adjusting the shape of the conductive pattern, electromagnetic wave reflection at specific frequencies can be dramatically reduced. A carbon nanotube thin film with high shielding properties was also applied to the back to further enhance the material’s electromagnetic wave shielding capabilities." (ScitechDaily, Breakthrough Material Perfectly Absorbs All Electromagnetic Waves)

"A conceptual diagram of the electromagnetic wave absorption and shielding material developed by the research team, along with the designed conductive pattern. Credit: Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS)" (ScitechDaily, Breakthrough Material Perfectly Absorbs All Electromagnetic Waves)

The new material absorbs all electromagnetic waves. That makes this material a new and powerful tool. To protect quantum computers and stealth aircraft. The material that absorbs all electromagnetic waves can protect things like quantum entanglements and nanotechnical processors against outcoming energy. And that can eliminate outcoming energy and interference. 

That ability can make this new material more ultimate than we even imagine. If the material absorbs things like X- and gamma rays it can make breakthroughs in nuclear technology. The material can protect people against nuclear radiation and thermal effects. It can make it possible to create new, lightweight space suits and protect people against the heat of the sun. That material can act as an insulator between engines and workers. 

If we have material that absorbs all electromagnetic radiation that means we have material that turns people and systems like vehicles and aircraft into the shadows. The idea in absorption is that the material will not reflect any radiation back from it. That means material stores electromagnetic energy into it. And then. The next step is to conduct energy out of that material. 

"Above: B-21 "Raider" is the planned successor to B-2 "Spirit" famous stealth bomber. The stealth technology base is in minimized reflection. That denies radars getting radar echo. If there is no reflection. The aircraft turns into a shadow. 

The problem with materials that absorb electromagnetic radiation is this: where can it put that energy? 

If the material can collect all electromagnetic radiation into one reflecting wavelength and turn the reflection into, for example, gamma rays. The other version is to store that energy in a material. Then the system conducts energy out from the material. 

The main problem with radiation-absorbing materials is where they can put the energy. That they store. There are a couple of things that can answer the problem. The requirement is that the material turns electromagnetic waves into heat or IR radiation. That thing is easy to transport out from the material. 

"The electromagnetic wave absorption and shielding material developed by the research team, showing its thin and flexible form & its shape remaining intact even after 5,000 bending tests. Credit: Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS)" (ScitechDaily, Breakthrough Material Perfectly Absorbs All Electromagnetic Waves)

The system that turns the energy into kinetic energy can pull energy into spinning nano-or quantum structures. The other versions are systems that turn heat energy into electricity. Those systems can also transport energy out from the hypersonic aircraft structures. And those systems can also transport thermal energy out from the shells of fusion reactors and new nuclear fission reactors. 

If material turns electromagnetic radiation into thermal energy it's quite easy to make the system there is a colder place in the middle of the airplane. Then. That thing conducts thermal energy in the desired direction. And if all energy can be conducted that way. The system makes the material visible. Or makes it look like a shadow. 

In some versions of the non-linear graphene structure with the small-size nanoturbines. The idea is that the material takes energy and stores it in its structure. Those nano turbines transform that energy into kinetic energy that can conduct electromagnetic energy out from the material. The spinning nanostructures are one way to conduct energy. Out from the layer. 

The other version is to use systems that turn thermal energy into electricity. That system makes it possible to conduct heat away from the surfaces of the hypersonic aircraft. And. It can also be used to conduct thermal energy out from other extremely hot places like the shells of fusion reactors.

Einstein is invincible. However, there are a few problems with spacetime models.

Can dark energy be the same as Hawking radiation? 

It's possible. When researchers measure things like gravitational lensing. They just forget that black holes make fields and materials denser than usual. Maybe researchers don't remember that near black holes other energy interaction than just gravity is also stronger. Or maybe there can be some structure that reflects energy back from structures near or even inside the black hole's event horizon. The Hawking radiation is the thing that ever measured. And for making precise models researchers must know the entire system. 

The source of dark energy is unknown. We know that black holes send gravity waves. But could it also send Hawking radiation and could dark energy and Hawking radiation be the same thing? People sometimes mix the terms gravity wave and dark energy. Gravity waves are waves in energy fields. Their source is in gravity centers. Dark energy is wave movement with an unknown source. 

That question is: can theoretical Hawking radiation be the dark energy? If that thing is true that means the black hole turns or transforms energy and material into dark energy. We know that dark energy is the wave movement that source is unknown. But because dark energy interacts with material it should interact with a black hole. The black hole should make the dark energy denser and it should change its route. So that means. Gravitational lensing should work with dark energy and dark matter. 

Above Gravitational lensing. 

When we think about spacetime and gravity, we say there is a pothole around gravitational centers.  That means there is something that pulls energy and material into the endless pothole, there it cannot flee. So, we can say that the gravity centers like black holes are endless potholes that will not fill. The problem is this. Where do those black holes put energy and material that fell into them? 

Theoretically, that energy should blow the black hole away. The problem with Einstein's models is that during his lifetime nobody knew that things like black holes existed. And the second thing is that dark energy and dark matter were not even predicted during Einstein's lifetime. The black hole must put energy, wave movement, and materials that it pulls inside it somewhere or it blows away because its internal power wins gravity. 

We can think that gravity is negative energy because it pulls material into the black hole. The energy that falls into a black hole impacts other energy waves at least at the center of a black hole trying to break out from that monster. So theoretically is possible that the black hole forms an energy level that breaks its structure. The singularity is the thing that forms a black hole. 

That means material where all particles and quantum fields form one entirety. But to keep its form that massive structure requires an outcoming energy field. The energy field presses the structure. And if it's gone, the energy flow starts to travel out from singularity. And sooner or later that massive structure turns into wave movement. But even black holes just turn energy and material into another form. 

In the same way, material is one form of energy. And a black hole is the only thing that can interact with dark matter. And there is introduced a model. Where a black hole turns material into dark matter. Or it can pull material to the spaghetti-shaped structure. But then we can think about the black hole's structure. 

Lasers can block the light itself. So could there be a structure around the black hole that blocks some other energy forms? Theoretically is possible that maser-emission or the ability to turn wavelength coherent and block other waves is universal to all wave movement types. That means also dark energy and gravity can turn coherent and then block other waves with same wavelength. So could it be possible that some energy form cannot fall into the black hole? 

Diagram illustrating gravitational lensing. (NASA, ESA & L. Calçada)

In some models, there are strings just in the middle of a black hole. If those energy strings or superstrings are long enough, that means they pull energy out from black holes. The idea is from the string theory, where energy forms strings, Those strings can be even billions of light years long. And the material is one form of those strings. 

And that means if those strings exist they can pull out energy from the black hole. Those theoretical superstrings can be hollow and even if a black hole can pull them inside, those superstrings can hang out from a black hole for millions of years before that monster can pull them inside it Because energy travels to the lower energy level. Those hypothetical strings can pull energy out of the black hole. 

A black hole is like a pothole in spacetime. When material and energy fall into them through the event horizon the point, where escaping velocity reaches the speed of light there are no observations about that information. But before material and energy fall into a black hole they follow the spiral-shaped trajectory. 

And just before the event horizon is the ring of material. In some interesting visions, one photon can turn into the ring. That surrounds the event horizon. That ring interacts with its environment and pumps energy into that gravitational pothole.  

But then we can see that structure in another way. We can say that if the energy ring orbits the pothole it could send energy waves over that pothole. 

And that energy can block the same wavelength fields to drop into the black hole. The idea is the same as the thing where laser light blocks light itself. If there is a so-called energy lid around the black hole we can ask what energy that thing removes. Is it possible that there is no energy form in the black holes? 

The black hole is a pothole in space-time. It's possible that the pothole that forms gravity channels is not smooth. In some models, there are waves in its shells. Those gravity waves or gravitational lumps in that pothole can cause the strength of the gravitational field will not grow symmetrically. Or maybe there is a thin, string-shaped structure where the side-coming energy pushes power. If that string is almost straight or its wavelength and frequencies are very small. Measurements of that string are a very difficult operation. Because. A black hole's radiation covers that string's existence.

tiistai 26. marraskuuta 2024

Einstein is invincible. (Einstein’s General Relativity holds firm)

"Einstein’s General Relativity holds firm as DESI data confirms its predictions on cosmic scales, while also revealing new insights into neutrino masses and galaxy clustering. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Einstein Vindicated: Stunning Cosmic Map Confirms Gravity Theory Across Billions of Years)

Einstein's greatest idea was that gravity is the attribute in the spacetime. That means the other three fundamental interactions are things that we can describe as the attributes in spacetime. Spacetime is the Higgs field that determines the base energy level in the Universe. 

We can say that Einstein keeps his place. The Theory of Relativity. The gravity models were tested on the Universe scale. And there are no mistakes. That means gravity was similar in the young universe as it is in the modern universe. The difference in energy levels and size of the young and modern universe can explain differences in the measurements. The young universe was denser and its energy level was higher. That means the energy pushed particles away from each other stronger than in the modern universe. 

The term "visible energy" means...

<>Four fundamental forces. 

-Strong nuclear force

-Weak nuclear force


-Gravity (or gravitation) 

E = mc2—In SI units, the energy E is measured in Joules, the mass m is measured in kilograms, and the speed of light is measured in metres per second.

<>Electromagnetic spectrum. 


-Infrared radiation

-Visible light


-Gamma rays

Dark energy is the mysterious wave movement whose origin is unknown.

Dark matter means mysterious gravitational fields or gravitational effects that the source is unknown. Sometimes people believe that the Maser effect in gravitational waves can explain dark matter. Or the dark matter is some kind of hole in Higgs field. The question is not what makes the mass or black holes. The question is what puts the Higgs field moving? The moving field is the thing that makes gravity waves. 

As we see from the diagram only 4,9% of the material is visible. As we see from the electromagnetic spectrum most "visible" radiation or energy requires special equipment. So that nobody can observe those wavelengths. 

The distance between objects was shorter. And that means the energy interaction was stronger. The question is did dark energy is released in the same event as visible energy is the big question. But in a dense and. young universe the visible energy had also stronger interactions than in the modern universe. 

And that energy also pushes objects away from each other. Even if we say that dark energy is the dominant effect in the modern universe, we must realize that in the young universe, the relations between visible and dark energy are different. 

When we think that dark energy is the same as dark matter we can imagine the wave-particle duality. The wave-particle duality is the thing. That makes material. That happens when wave fields cross each other. And the Schwinger effect forms the particles. It forms the particle-antiparticle pair. The idea is that the energy beam travels through across the other quantum field. 

That forms two whirls that turn into quark-antiquark pairs. So that means the particles are one packed form of energy. Dark energy should form particles as well as visible energy. But nobody is sure that theoretical material is dark or invisible to us. If that model is true, we can say that dark energy is behind weakly interacting massive particles, WIMPs. 

The thing is. Researchers believe that the so-called Higgs field makes the mass of all particles. The idea is in that model the Higgs Boson or something like that makes the Higgs field move into the objects. The question is where that Higgs field goes when it moves to the objects. That is an interesting question. The mass and gravity are things that make the Higgs field move. At that point everything is clear. But the direction. Where that field moves is the problem. What denies that we will not turn into black holes? 

In models, the Higgs boson is the thing that makes the mass. That mass forms when Higgs boson vaporizes. And then Higgs field tries to fill that space. The problem is that. Can there be material that has no Higgs boson? And can the photon be the particle that has no Higgs boson in it? 

If something causes too fast vaporization in the Higgs boson. That means the movement in the Higgs field will stop. That means the material would lose its mass. 

In that model, cosmic inflation means. That particles biding Higgs field into themselves. That means that the Higgs field turns thinner but also there are more denser points. So others say the Higgs field accumulates in other points and then turns thinner or lower energy between those points. 

But those things are still fully theoretical things. We know that a particle is one model of energy. Gravity is the attribute in the spacetime. That means the other three fundamental interactions are things that we can describe as the attributes in spacetime. As I wrote at the beginning of this text.–energy_equivalence

The coldest place in the universe unveils the secrets of antimatter.

"Borexino is a highly sensitive neutrino detector located at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in central Italy. Situated deep underground, it uses an ultrapure liquid scintillator to detect low-energy solar neutrinos and study the fundamental properties of neutrinos and solar processes. Credit: Borexino Collaboration" (ScitechDaily, The Coldest Place in the Universe Is Unlocking Antimatter Mysteries)

The reason why antimatter research happens in the cold place is simple. The cold place stabilizes the material and minimizes its oscillation. The thing that makes the difference between matter and antimatter is the electric charge. The antimatter electron or positron has a positive charge and the antiproton has a negative charge. 

The antineutron spins oppositely to the neutron. Normally people say that the turn of the spin makes those antimatter particles. But then we must realize that the electrons and other particles like protons spin is 1/2 and that means they turn back and worth. So the spin is not the answer to the difference between matter and antimatter. 

The thing that makes antimatter interesting is its high energy capacity. When an antimatter particle touches its mirror-particle both of those things turn into energy. That reaction is called an annihilation reaction. The antimatter engine would be an excellent tool for travel inside the solar system and maybe to the stars. Antimatter is very expensive. 

Artists's impression of antimatter rocket. In visions all antimatter rockets are long. That keeps the engine and nuclear reactor away from the cabin and protects it against radiation. Also, the accelerator requires length so that it can accelerate particles enough. The system uses a nuclear fission reactor to start the antimatter system. But when annihilation starts the system can turn to use annihilation as an energy source and the nuclear fission reactor can shut down. 

The particle accelerators produce that thing. Antimatter is a very dangerous material. About a gram of that thing can destroy the entire Earth. Reseachers are made magnetic storages for antimatter antimatter particles hover in magnetic fields in a vacuum. That denies the antimatter particles touching the wall of the chamber. 

In the newest plans, the antimatter engine can make the antimatter by using a particle accelerator that gets energy from the nuclear reactors. The system shoots electrons through the thin gold layer that turns them into anti-electrons. Then those anti-electrons or positrons will be injected into a reaction chamber where they react with hydrogen or electrons. And that creates lots of energy. 

Researchers introduced many military applications of antimatter. The "Teller's bomb" the antimatter bomb would be the most horrifying weapon that man ever invented. The system uses antimatter as an explosive. Basically, Teller's bomb is the cathode ray that travels through the antimatter transformation process. Or. It's only the magnetic chamber where antimatter hovers. Then explosive breaks its shell. That thing makes it possible to create a cigarette-size nuclear bomb that destroys the entire city. 

But there are made plans about things called "limited Teller's bomb". The system is actually a bullet there is a magnetic chamber. The antiprotons or positrons hover in that chamber. That allows to creation of a handgun bullet that destroys the aircraft carrier.

maanantai 25. marraskuuta 2024

Chinese new stealth coat protects their aircraft against anti-stealth radars.

"Stock image showing a pair of Chinese J-20 stealth fighters." (Interesting Engineering, Paper-thin power: China claims its new stealth coating blinds anti-stealth radars)

The new stealth coat protects Chinse stealth fighters against anti-stealth systems. There are two ways to make the anti-stealth radar. The first is to use some very short wavelengths. The problem is that the small structures in stealth materials scatter those short wavelength radars. Another way is to create very long-wavelength radar impulses. 

In that system, the idea is that the anti-stealth system treats the target surface as an entirety. So, very long wavelength radars make the radio impulse jump over the small structures in the stealth materials. The new stealth coat will pull radio impulses into itself. And then turn that thing into the heat energy. 

And probably. There is a system. That conducts the heat energy into the stealth plane's body. That gives a lower IR signature. The new lidar systems replace radio signals using visible light. The laser scanners are vulnerable to bombs and missiles that aim at that optical energy source. The counter laser waves can prevent the lidar from reaching the aircraft's body. 

And there a heat exchanger removes that heat from the system. Another way to make stealth planes is to use the fiber-looking material there the radar impulses jump between those sticks.

Some stealth material aims the radio waves in different directions. And that denies the radar transmitter to see echo. The superconductors would be excellent tools for stealth technology. The thing that causes radar echo is the hall effect. 

The material stores radar energy into it. When the energy level in the material is high enough, that causes radar echo or energy transfer into the lower energy space. If the stealth material lets radio waves through it without resistance that means the material is invisible to radar. This is the reason for research on the room- or high-temperature superconducting materials. 

The problem with stealth materials is this. The material can absorb or store electromagnetic waves for only a limited time. The material stores that energy and when its energy level is high enough, it sends a counter wave to the radar. The problem is that the radar "fills" material and then that material sends radar echo. The problem is where the material or aircraft can put that energy. 

Then the system can conduct that energy. Into some kind of capacitor. In some stealth materials, the system keeps the electronegative structures in the stealth aircraft. And then. Those electronegative components pull radar waves into somewhere where the plane can store them. Or where the plane can conduct that energy out from it. 

There is been intensive research on stealth materials. There are tests about materials that absorb radio signals. The problem is that the material must put that energy into somewhere. Or the radio waves will destroy the plane. There is research about the systems. That conducts electricity that the radio waves form into the water tank. There are two tanks. Saltwater tank and capacitor, Leyden jar that stores electricity.

When there is too much electricity the system launches the Leyden Jar or water from it. And that allows the plane to remove electromagnetic energy. In other versions, the system creates hydrogen ions that can transfer radio signals into themselves. There are also tested active jammers that give counterwaves that deny the echo from the object. The problem is that the system must operate with precisely the right wavelength and accuracy. It must send counterwaves precisely right time.

sunnuntai 24. marraskuuta 2024

The MIT sound-absorbing silk is a new and exciting innovation.

"MIT researchers developed a silk fabric, which is barely thicker than a human hair, that can suppress unwanted noise and reduce noise transmission in a large room. Credit: MIT News; iStock" (ScitechDaily, The Future of Silence Is Here: MIT’s Noise-Canceling Silk)

One of the newest practical innovations. Is sound-absorbing silk by MIT. Those kinds of materials are classified. The chemical compounds of them are not public. And they involve very interesting nanotechnology. The thing that makes this nanotechnology interesting is that the elastic and flexible structure can deny the noise. 

It is possible to make the 2D material structure like a non-linear graphene where the ball-shaped molecules jump between the walls of the nanotubes. That system's purpose is to pull energy out of the structure. The non-linear nanotubes conduct sound to the structure. The non-linear nanotubes mean that the graphene molecules are not in line. However, the MIT invention is elastic. And that means any structure can be covered by it. 

"MIT researchers have developed a silk fabric that suppresses sound using vibrations, offering two techniques: canceling noise through interference and preventing its transmission." (ScitechDaily, The Future of Silence Is Here: MIT’s Noise-Canceling Silk)

The nanotechnology behind the silk makes the structure the acoustic Faraday gage. In those models, the structure makes standing acoustic waves that travel into the fabric. It's possible. The structure in the fabric makes the acoustic fall that aims incoming waves at the strings. The side-coming waves pull energy out from incoming waves that attempt to travel through that silk. 

These kinds of innovations are tools that can revolutionize airports. The acoustic silk can deny or make the jet engine noise lower. The lightweight sound insulators can also in vehicles to make their noise lower. If that kind of acoustic silk is around the engines like turbines it can decrease the sound of the engine. That kind of silk can also used in face masks that allow the users to talk into the microphones and radios. But those systems deny outsiders to hear what those people say without technical devices. 

 Another thing is that this kind of effective, lightweight, transportable system can decrease the noise of the building sites. Make meetings more secure because people cannot hear things that meeting participants say. And that acoustic silk can protect places like band rooms so that neighbors don't hear the noise. 

Single cells can learn things.

In some visions, the DNA pair or the protein pair can used to create the photons or acoustic bubbles between them. Then quantum computer can use those bubbles to make the quantum entanglement. That means the DNA or protein can be used as tools for acoustic qubit systems. But when we see that single cells can learn things we are facing an interesting thing. 

If that learning process is based on pressure that kind of acoustic system can be used to program cells. In some visions, the acoustic systems can control cells. 

Things like slime mold are things that show that the brains and neurons are not required in the learning process. And now researchers found that even individual cells learn things. That allows for improved medical research. The system can teach cells to find and terminate non-wanted cells. 

That allows creating. The control systems for nanorobots. The ability to learn. Makes it possible to create cells that operate as miniature robots. Those systems can clean the blood vessels from waste. 

This is one of the biggest breakthroughs in the research that can revolutionize nanotechnology and many other things. A short time ago. Researchers found that the neurons are not only cells that can store memories. Other tissue types participate in that process. 

Researchers noticed that the nervous system in the kidneys and nerve tissue cells can learn things. That thing can be a breakthrough for restoring brain damage. But the thing. That the single cells can learn. Is the key. To open new dimensions to the learning of other species. 

The big question in evolution is this. When did the species start to learn? Do things like amoebas and vegetables learn? The slime mold can learn things. So, can amoeba or some bacteria learn things cognitively? Those new findings can also make it possible to find out how things like bugs learn how to avoid their predators. And that can make it possible to create new ways to destroy harmful insects. Or program things. Like mosquitos to avoid malaria. 

The cell can store its memories in the DNA double helix or the protein helix structures. That thing makes a big advance in nano- and biotechnology. If researchers can crack this process. They can teach cells to deny things like virus entrance to the cells. The viruses can otherwise reprogram cells and make them make new things. 

The ability to teach cells will give new ways to fight against cancer. If cells include cognitive skills. The system can program them by using signals that the cell uses to learn. DNA-based learning is the thing. That requires the ability to change the DNA from those cells. That reprograms cells.

How much can AI affect our genomes?

In this text, I will not write about genetic engineering. I will write about the non-purpose processing of our genetic and environmental backgrounds. 

AI and evolution are the things that cause interesting ideas. The big question is: can AI and the internet affect evolution? And the answer is that those things are already affecting evolution. When we think about things like dating services. People search for people who are like themselves. The problem is simple. Similar types of people search for dates on the net. 

We know that DNA has some kind of role in people's behavior. And things like lifestyle are made by society. So our lifestyle and behavior are made by two major groups of abilities and features. Some of those abilities and features are hereditary. And some of them are formed by the environment and society. 

If people want to make dates through the internet. They must fill out the form. And that is the point where the AI affects our genomes. Because people search for similar people as they are, that thing causes segregation and the accumulation of certain genomes. 


When we select our spouses from the group there people have similar behavior as we have, and we advance things like segregation. In the same way, we can say that our behavior is the sum of hereditary and environmental things. If we only meet people who are similar to us. 

That makes our environment homogenous. We don't hear things that we don't want to hear. And that advances the segregation. That causes. Also a situation. Where we hear only similar opinions that we have. That advance makes our visions thinner than ever before. 

That destroys real discussions and the possibility. To see other points of view. Things are also governed by. We see only things that we can create ourselves. And that means. We cannot even get other opinions to our discussions. 


Genetic material and environment affect people's behavior. That means we choose people who have the same economic background and similar genomes. That is the thing that can affect the entire human population. 

The net allows us to make dates all over the world. And the AI is an effective tool to make the match with people who use the net. That means those people are more effective in producing descendants. Than people. Who search for their spouse from the local bar. 

The AI can search for people who have similar hobbies, favorite food, and other similar hobbies and work. That means. If the system gets ordered the person wants a spouse who plays some musical instruments. And the thing is that the algorithm can use the form and other information that it gets to select the perfect mate. The system can search things like the musical AI-experts from the net, and then offer them dates. The form that a person can feed can be similar to that used in animal breeding. 

The same methods can used with humans. When we use things like normal test-tube fertilization. There is always the possibility to select gemmates using a similar method. That the network dating tool uses. When it selects people whose dates are successful. In those cases, the system will not use things like genetic engineering. It uses the method. That has been a long time used in horse breeding. AI can affect us and our descendant's genomes in purpose or without purpose. 

The fact is that. AI can increase segregation when people select similar spouses and friends. As they are. The internet is the tool that can make us more isolated than ever. That is the sad thing. That destroys real discussion and helps us to select information narrower than ever before. Because those algorithms select our mates from the net using variables that make sure that our dates please us that makes it possible for us to hear and see only things that we can accept. That might look comfortable. But that destroys our ability to hear and see other choices. 

When the most advanced tool becomes the enemy of advance.


Above this text is the image that is not made by using AI. I took that image yesterday evening. That thing required a little bit of trouble and time. Walking into that point, taking my cell phone, and taking that picture took time. When I looked at that picture I realized why people use AI in many things. AI offers easy things to get the job done. That easy tool allows people to make thousands of lines of code in minutes. 

That is possible if the person uses some code libraries. And that makes a person effective. But that thing is not good for advancement and innovation. Also, that way of making programs is not good for data security. If some hackers get those code libraries that allow them to break the systems those codes are used. 

We know that thing. But we ever ask why person makes that thing? Why does that person use libraries and copy-paste? Why that person uses code, that somebody gave to the hard disk? The answer is this something forces a person to make things like that. The nice, well-done code in the hard disk makes work effective. And we can say that generative AI, large LLM, or whatever we call that thing is only to those libraries. 

We can be effective and always use that method to make things. That can make an impression. But then we can say that this method doesn't allow us to advance our programming skills. And that means the AI kills productivity and skills. But is the AI guilty? 

Do we bark the wrong tree? Should we prosecute the need to be effective for that thing? People use AI and code libraries because they have no time to learn things. People are so hurry, that they have no time to learn things. And if they make mistakes they are fired. That forces people to use AI. 

The biggest problem with algorithms is they use existing information. They don't call any telescopes or particle accelerators to create experiments that they can produce new things. They just seek existing information and reorder it. If we start to use AI more and more to become effective we are facing situations in which we don't get new innovations. 

New innovations are things that make the world more advanced. But when we make innovation. We process thought into the product. Without thought is not innovation. Because our mind is to bind to memories we are in trouble with new things.  That means we should create a mind that is not dependent on memories. But that thing is not very easy to make. Almost everything that we make is bound to memories. 

Algorithms do not create things. They just connect existent data into new entirety. And the question is this: do we let ourselves turn into the AI's? Mechanical minds can search existing information but cannot create anything new. 

If we don't let people innovate that means that we will not create new things. Innovations require time and space. And that thing is not a thing that fits into the idea of productivity and effectiveness. 

Algorithms are tools that make many things faster than humans. That is the reason why we use them. The question is always this: do we someday make algorithms that rule people? When we make things by using algorithms we can find an easy way to make things. Algorithms make our lives easier. They search for things from databases. Then, AI can make many things better than we can. We are afraid. That AI helps people to make things. 

Like fake doctoral theses. We are always afraid of that. People lose their creativity when they use AI. We ever ask why we leave our work to the AI. We see that things happen, never asking "why"? 

The problem with the algorithm is that AIs don't make anything new.  They just collect information from the networks. AIs build new entireties using information. That already exists. And that is the problem with AI. The problem is that the system requires effective working. During working days people don't cheer programmers and other people to make new decisions. The requirement for effectiveness is the thing that destroys creativity and advancement. 

People are afraid of remote working because it destroys innovation. But how many hours in week do we use for innovations? Do we really make innovations in our offices? Or do we just read newspapers and reports and make things that have been made 1000 times before? 

Many people think. That innovation is the case, where one person talks and the other listens. The problem with innovation and creativity is that people are afraid of failure. Failure is somehow a non-accepted thing, and that means we make many times things that we made many times before. 

Because. People are afraid of things like grammar mistakes they think that they must let the AI make their texts. Programmers are afraid of mistakes.  Fixing mistakes steals their and other worker's working time. That is the reason why the working environment forces people to use AI. And that is the best way to destroy productive thinking and innovation. 

The AI makes people look like effective. But that system uses only existing information. That is the limit of the AI. Even if we want to make images using AI, we must give orders to it. The AI is like the drawing program that follows orders that we give. That allows us to create new worlds. But that thing doesn't advance our painting skills. 

The memory makes humans effective. Imagination is the thing that connects memory bites together new way. That allows us to create new things. Memories and the connections with existing memories are the things that limit the imagination. The requirement for innovation is an idea, that doesn't come from emptiness. 

Memories are stored in our memory cells. When we use imagination we just reorder those things that we can call memory pixels into the new entirety. Those things are like puzzles that we can reorder. 

The big advance would be the mind. That is not connected with memory. The memory-independent mind is something that we cannot imagine. We use memories to create new entities. And it's hard to even imagine a tool that doesn't use memories. That thing is the tool that can make the next step for innovations and society. 

lauantai 23. marraskuuta 2024

Ions and metasurfaces are the new tools for robotics.

"Schematics of multiplexing metadevices based on coherent wave interferences. Credit: OEA" (ScitechDaily, Pushing Optical Limits: Metasurfaces Achieve Near Infinite Light Control in a Single Device)

The new metasurfaces and ion channels turn information technology and nanomechanics forever. The photonic or photon-reacting and interacting metasurfaces make it possible to create devices that can operate independently in complex situations. 

Those photonic-controlled devices can make things like highly advanced morphing systems possible. In nanotechnology, it's essential to control systems. That is smaller than some molecules. And the metasurfaces are one thing that makes that system possible. When we think about systems like cars and robots that can change their shape, we must realize one thing. 

Those morphing surfaces will be created by nanomachines that act as the morphing neural network. Those small robots can take any form that they ordered. The system can interact with outsider observers like small drones that can tell that small, soundbite size nanorobot swarm how they should move to take a certain form. That thing means that the AI-controlled system can take any shape that it sees. The drone can make the 3D scanned image, and then order those nanorobots to take it. 

In some futuristic visions of the future, the data travels in the organic network. Those systems can be neurons or some hybrid cells. The long threads transport information like neurons. Those systems can transport information between those neurons by using the lion channels. Those ion channels make it possible for information to travel most of the time in chemical form. When that neurotransmitter reaches that neurotransmitter, it sends an electric impulse to the microchip that decodes the message. 

Ion channels are interesting. Those channels can form the ion superhighways that can make new ultra-secured data transmission possible. In those nanorobots, the system can have a small tube that transfers those ions from one place to another. The ion can transport information as well as electrons or photons.  There are multiple ways to make that data transportation. 

"Record ion speeds are achieved in organic conductors where local molecules can attract or repel ions from nanochannels that act as ion superhighways. Credit: Second Bay Studios" (ScitechDaily, Ion Superhighways: The Nanotech Breakthrough Powering Tomorrow’s Tech)

One is to use two ion channels and shoot ions through them. The ion channel one is the one in the binary system. And the ion channel two is the zero in the binary system. Those ion channels can be thousands of kilometers long. And that allows the system to transport ions over long distances. 

In some Sci-fi-Books that kind of system can also transport antimatter like positrons and anti-protons into the wanted point. This kind of system can installed in the robot bug. The robot bug transports those antimatter particles to the wanted point in the magnetic chamber, that puts them to flow. 

That denies antimatter contact with the walls of that chamber. Then the robot injects antiparticles through that ion accelerator or ion proboscis. That kind of weapon would be extremely horrible. And one of them can destroy even warships. The antimatter energy level is so high, that a gram of that matter turns the entire Earth into a molecular cloud. 

The ion-based information transport system is one of the versions of ultra-secured data transmission. The idea is that. The system can deny the outsider observer. To see ion. If the outsider harms the ion channel that thing is seen in control rooms. The receiving system must require the energy level and speed of ions to be at a certain level. Those things tell that ion is part of the message. 

The ion channel is also a vacuum, and if somebody wants to steal information, that launches the pressure sensor and denies the ion flow. The ion systems might not look as effective and wonderful as photonic systems. But they can interact between living neurons or organic microchips and regular, non-organic systems. In that system, the microchip transports information to the neuron cell's ion channel using the ions.

Quantum computers can make fully automated systems more efficient than ever.

"Quantum information could enhance coordination between autonomous devices, improving efficiency and bandwidth use. Experiments show shared quantum qubits enable influence without direct communication." (ScitechDaily, Quantum Computing Could Make Self-Driving Cars More Efficient Than Ever)

That is not a very big surprise. Quantum computers can solve mathematical problems and handle linear data faster than binary computers. The quantum computer solves a mission. That takes even thousands of years if operators use binary computers. Quantum computers can handle data flow and control sensor and system fusion faster than any binary computer. 

That's why quantum computing can make self-driving cars more effective than ever. In future visions, self-driving cars communicate with traffic control cameras and other systems like GPS. 

Starlink and other satellite-based solutions offer the possibility that self-driving vehicles can communicate with each other and the computer centers. The self-driving cars can create morphing neural networks with other systems and devices. That allows them to operate safely. The thing that makes self-driving cars interesting in the city areas is this. The car can leave the owner at the office's door, and then drive back home. The electric vehicle doesn't need fuel. 

And at home the car can have a manipulator's arm, that it puts into its loading point. The self-driving cars can cooperate with things like drones. Which can offer the possibility to check things. Like rush hours. The same technology allows to make aircraft swarms or land vehicles like tanks that can communicate with each other, long-range drones, and other types of devices and vehicles. 

A Large language model, LLM needs very high-power calculation capacity. The quantum computers can solve that problem. The AI-based operating systems can connect morphing neural networks with quantum computers. The idea in those hybrid systems is when a morphing neural network requires the quantum computer's assistance it calls quantum computers to share their calculation capacity. The morphing neural network can connect robots into one entirety. And it can emulate quantum computers. The morphing neural networks allow to reprogram cars in seconds. 

That means the car can call other robots to assist it. While a person works the morphing multipurpose robot system can call to the local market and then the robot can collect things into shopping bags and then load them into the car that drives those things to home. The AI-controlled drone can fly those things to the balcony. The morphing neural network allows the system. With limited calculation capacity can call other system's assistance. That makes also limited systems more effective. 

3D printing is an environmentally friendly way to produce things.

"3D printing enhances microbial electrochemical systems by optimizing reactor and electrode design, improving efficiency in wastewater ...