"In the Sensing With Independent Micro-Swimmers (SWIM) concept, illustrated here, dozens of small robots would descend through the icy shell of a distant moon via a cryobot – depicted at left – to the ocean below. The project has received funding from the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts program. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech" (ScitechDaily, Could NASA’s Tiny Robots Discover Life on Europa?)
The most impressive mission for drones or independently operating miniature submarines will be the search for life from Jupiter's moon Europa. The thing is that also two other large moons, Ganymede and Callisto could have similar oceans under their icy surfaces.
And the third Galilean moon, Io has sulfur volcanoes that are also interesting geological objects. But the main object for that mission could be Europa, the icy moon with icy geysers. The probe can slip the small submarine into those geysers and maybe they can reach the ocean under that icy surface. The done can communicate with the surface unit by using sonars.
"After completing testing, the Robotic Servicing of Geosynchronous Satellites (RSGS) payload resides in the cryogenic thermal vacuum chamber at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory’s Naval Center for Space Technology in Washington, D.C. Oct. 8, 2024. Once on-orbit, the RSGS payload will inspect and service satellites in geosynchronous orbit. Credit: U.S. Navy photo by Sarah Peterson" (ScitechDaily, DARPA’s Robots to the Rescue: Transforming Satellite Maintenance in Space)
Large-size drone swarms can cover large areas under the icy surface. They can have only a limited number of sensors. But those drones make sensor fusion. And the drone swarm behaves like one bigger platform. This means. Those drones can carry similar sensors. As one large probe or aircraft. But the difference is that those sensors are under different independently operating bodies. And if one of those drones is gone, that doesn't make the failure to the entire mission.
And that nuclear-powered unit will find a strange water world that is interesting even if there are no living organisms. But those small, long-lasting, independently operating drones can also have missions on Earth. The small AI-controlled drones can also operate in icy lakes under the Antarctean and Greenland icy shells. Things like closed caves and underwater water routes can also be places. That those drones can map.
"In this illustration, a NASA space exploration concept called Probe using Radioisotopes for Icy Moons Exploration, or PRIME, is depicted being deployed from a lander on the frozen surface of an ocean world. The nuclear-powered probe, also called a cryobot, glows red in the subsurface ocean while connected via a communications tether to a lander miles above on the icy crust. Wedge-shaped, cellphone-size robots – another concept, called Sensing With Independent Micro-Swimmers, or SWIM – are seen traveling off underwater to conduct science beyond the heat of the probe. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech" (ScitechDaily, Could NASA’s Tiny Robots Discover Life on Europa?)They can collect information about the closed ecosystems. That can be isolated even for thousands of years. But the same systems. That can map and research insects. Also, can collect data from other things. Drones can collect information about underwater systems like submarines. The new radar systems can follow underwater acoustic communication. The same systems can also search for information from the targeted people's discussions.
The radars can search for things like pressure waves from air or water. And they can used to record the things that people say. Water carries sound at a very long distance. And the system that can measure the oscillation of the water surface can break the privacy of people, who are not careful. The submarine that travels in the water lines can eavesdrop on people in their houses and even the army headquarters.
The new innovative robots can act as maintenance missions for spacecraft. They could repair the unmanned satellites and probes if they face problems. The repairing robot is the tool that can make the things like large-size, nuclear-powered drones more effective. They can be sure that the expensive system can fulfill its mission. But similar robots can also fix other underwater drones and structures. The undersea robot can also make it possible to return unmanned systems that return from intelligence or strike missions.